Adams, Elizabeth 13 January 1831 - 6 months King Street 3720 7862 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Adamson, James 7 June 1831 - 25 years Chisenhall St 4223 7595 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Adamthwate, John 23 December 1831 - 38 years Gt Richmond St 4936 7583 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Addison, Ellen P 24 February 1831 Richd & Ann 14 months Gore Street 3853 5754 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Alcock, Thomas 19 January 1831 - 60 years Horatio Str 3747 5498 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aldred, Sarah 18 November 1831 - 46 years Dale Street 4814 5454 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Alinson, Elizabeth 3 July 1831 Richd & H 21 months Baptist Str 4299 6808 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Allen, Frances Ann 19 September 1831 - 68 years Leigh Street 4614 6535 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Allen, Jane 7 December 1831 - 38 years Upper Dawson St 4890 1805 Dropsy No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Allen, Martha 6 February 1831 - 34 years Gt Orford Str 3791 6276 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Anderson, John 29 April 1831 - 40 years Clare Street 4075 2300 Consumpn Geo Highfield 352 CEM 2/2/1
Andrews, Henry 27 November 1831 - 31 years Mason Street 4850 7346 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Arkwright, Joseph 10 December 1831 - 3½ years Peter Street 4901 6534 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Armer, John 8 March 1831 Arthur & Hanh 7 months Bolton Str 3899 1863 Convulns Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Armstrong, Anna 3 November 1831 - 15 years Copperas Hill 4761 1097 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Armstrong, William 13 November 1831 Geo & Eliz 9 years Woodstock  Str 4796 6534 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Arnold, Henry 24 August 1831 - 78 years Banastre Str 4516 6336 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Arrowsmith, Elizabeth 14 August 1831 - 45 years Plumbe Str 4458 1607 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Arrowsmith, Robert 8 February 1831 - 45 years Plumbe Str 3798 1607 Decay No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Arundel, William 8 February 1831 - 48 years Richmond Row 3795 5711 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ashcroft, William 21 September 1831 Joshua & Eliz 3 years Dryden Street 4624 7347 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ashley, William 23 December 1831 - 38 years Rupert Street 4937 7583 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ashton, James 12 August 1831 John & Margt 6 days Bridport Street 4451 1605 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aspinal, Thoa  2 June 1831 - 37 years Clifford Street 4204 6806 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aspinall, Elizabeth 1 September 1831 - 31 years Stewart Street 4552 6535 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aspinall, Hannah 29 December 1831 Josh & Hanh 18 months Thurlow Str 4950 6805 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Asquith, John 9 November 1831 Joshua & Alice 5 years Elliot Street 4780 7582 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aston, John 6 September 1831 Saml & Elizth 2 weeks Williamson Str 4574 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Aston, Martha 17 December 1831 Thos & Eliz 15 months Trowbridge Str 4914 6537 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Atherton, Alice 5 May 1831 John & Mary 16 months Ben Johnson St 4105 7075 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Atherton, Ann 16 May 1831 Jno & Mary 6 years Ben Johnson St 4134 7352 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Atherton, Caroline 10 September 1831 Jno & Rebeca 19 months Houghton Str 4589 7785 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Atkinson, Margaret 29 April 1831 Chas & Elizth 14 months Gildart's Garns 4079 7592 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Backhouse, John 22 February 1831 Jno & Lucy 8 years Sawney Pope St 3849 1575 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Backhouse, William 24 May 1831 Wm & Susnh 3 months Bolton Street 4173 7354 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Backouse, Richard 4 March 1831 Jno & Lucy 2½ years Sawney Pope St 3885 1575 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bailey, Caroline 31 August 1831 John & Ann 13 months Dansie Street 4550 6804 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bailey's, Mrs, Still Born Child 20 March 1831 Bailey - AudleyStreet 3928 5245 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Baker, Joseph 27 February 1831 - 68 years Clifford Street 3865 3865 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Baker, Sophia 23 September 1831 Wm & Louisa 15 months Hunter Str 4634 7783 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Baldwin, William 28 September 1831 - 33 years Woodstock  Str 4645 7069 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ball, George 4 September 1831 Wm & Margt 11 months Skelland Str 4566 7783 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ball, William H 17 February 1831 Saml & Jane 9 months Jackson St 3835 1609 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Banks, William 30 March 1831 - 43 years Portland St 3957 6807 Consumpn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Banner, Thomas 14 September 1831 - 30 years Gildart's Gardens 4605 7070 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Banning, Joseph B 16 January 1831 Joseph &  17 months Benson Street 3731 2064 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barber, William G.H. 29 April 1831 Wm & Mary 9 months Mount Street 4077 6509 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bark, George 18 August 1831 - 53 years Gt Howard Str 4476 3301 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barker, John 15 July 1831 - 8 weeks Sawney Pope St 4346 6806 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barker, Nathaniel 1 September 1831 - 27 years Bostwicke Street 4556 5967 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barkley, Jonathan 25 July 1831 - 33 years Heel Street 4381 3070 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barkley, Mary 9 December 1831 - 49 years Sir Thos Buildgs 4899 3070 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barr, Elizabeth 31 May 1831 Robt & Mary 2¾ years Rupert Street 4196 7594 Dropsy Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barrow, Dorothy 12 August 1831 Wm & Dorothy 3 weeks Milk Street 4452 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barrow, Mary A 17 February 1831 An & Agnes 3 years St Paul's Sqr 3838 6012 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bartley, Edward 5 July 1831 - 54 years Key Street 4312 3535 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barton, Ann 28 July 1831 - 37 years Maguire Str 4394 7072 Cancer James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barwise, Ann 24 April 1831 - 51 years Ben Johnson St 4046 7592 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Barwise, Jane 14 November 1831 Thos & Mary A 1 year Bk Bridport St 4799 7305 water In Brn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bayles, Thomas 8 September 1831 - 2 weeks Pinnington Str 4584 1815 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Baynes, William 5 March 1831 Heny & Margt 3 months Tellery Street 3888 5753 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beard, Martha 30 January 1831 - 76 years Mill Place 3778 7356 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beatles, Edward 13 December 1831 - 33 years Lambert Str 4905 7771 Decline Jas Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beatles, Jane 29 September 1831 Edw & Margt 11 months Lambert Str 4649 7774 Chinkcough Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beatman, William 28 July 1831 Wm & Mary 2 years Gt Nelson Str 4395 7778 Convulns J.W Baynes 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beaty, William H 10 July 1831 Jno & Cathe 14 months Bent Street 4334 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Beck, Ann 22 December 1831 Patrick & Mary 5 months Pembroke Place 4933 6798 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bedford, Joseph 8 March 1831 - 69 years Highfield Str 3904 7076 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bell, John 19 January 1831 Wm &  6 months Mulberry Str 3746 1861 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bell, Lydia 25 August 1831 Robinson & Mar 6 months Chapel Lane 4510 7349 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bell, Mary 3 May 1831 Edwd & Elizth 3 years Bayhouse Lane 4091 6807 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bellmount, John 18 December 1831 Jno & Sarah 11 years Leece Street 4918 6805 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennet, Ann 27 November 1831 Peter & Jane 10 years Edmund St 4852 3513 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennet, Eliza 24 August 1831 Wm & Martha 3 months Adlington St 4515 7589 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennet, William 1 March 1831 Jno & Mary 19 months Fontenoy Str 3873 5757 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennett, Ann 27 November 1831 John & Mary 18 months Cross Hall St 4849 7343 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennett, George 11 December 1831 - 13 months Edmund St 4902 3513 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennington, Jane 13 September 1831 Chas & Sarah 12 weeks Pelew Street 4603 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennington, Sarah 22 August 1831 - 28 years Trueman St 4499 7071 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bennion, Mary 10 June 1831 Robt & Mary 4 months Edge Hill 4235 1361 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Benson, Mary A 2 May 1831 Jno & Hannah 2 years Dance Street 4089 7075 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bentham, John 4 April 1831 - 85 years Infirmary 3976 6275 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Berrington, Thos W 10 July 1831 - 19 years Brownlow Hill 4331 7546 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Berry, Elizabeth 10 November 1831 - 66 years Kensington 4783 5469 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Berry, Ellen 9 September 1831 Wm & Margt 19 years Workhouse 4588 7777 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Berry, John 23 November 1831 Aaron  & Jimima 9 months Elliot Street 4833 7029 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Best, William 8 April 1831 - 39 years Ranleigh St 3987 3110 Consumpn John Beecham 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bickerstaff, Thomas 24 October 1831 Robt & Jane 2 weeks Christian Str 4720 7774 Convulns James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bickley, James 26 May 1831 - 39 years Torbuck Str 4183 7780 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Biddle, Mary A 17 May 1831 Edwd & Margt 2½ years Lambert Str 4138 7352 Decline Jas Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Billing, Henry 3 November 1831 Wm & Elizth 8 months London Road 4762 7586 Convulns Jas Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Billinge, Joshua 15 November 1831 - 50 years Edge Hill 4803 7066 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bimpson, Frances M 2 March 1831 - 28 years Richmond Row 3877 6541 Liver Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Birchall, Thomas 10 July 1831 - 67 years Duckinfield Str 4333 7759 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Birkett, Robert 19 November 1831 - 55 years Brunswick Rd 4819 5454 Liver Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Birkey, Alice 13 February 1831 - 87 years Redmayne Buld 3826 5753 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bishop, Ruth 3 June 1831 - 5 months Whitechapel 4206 7860 Hoop Cough R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Blackburn, Agnes 7 December 1831 - 29 years Soho Square 4885 3293 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Blackburn, Ann 22 June 1831 - 56 years Trueman St 4273 6538 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Blackmore, Thomas 13 February 1831 - 42 years Jervis Street 3827 5753 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Blease, Sarah K 7 May 1831 Jno & Ellen 17 months Richmond Row 4110 3320 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Boardman, Henry 7 March 1831 Heny & Margt 5 years Clayton Str 3898 6763 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bogie, John F 4 June 1831 Jas & Ann 14 months Phythian St 4211 4749 Epilipsy James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Boharen, Matilda 27 February 1831 - 22 years St Andrew's St 3866 6011 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bolton, Ann 28 November 1831 Thos & Mary 6 years Robert Street 4857 7345 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bond, Edward 16 January 1831 - 48 years Mary Ann St 3728 2865 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bond, Jane 7 October 1831 - 41 years Mary Ann St 4673 2865 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Booth, Thomas 5 August 1831 Jno & Betsey 6 weeks Derby Street 4425 6539 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bouch, Ellen 15 June 1831 Jno & Ellen 17 months Chorley Street 4249 7593 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bowden, Elizabeth 16 October 1831 Saml & Ann 13 years Gascoigne Str 4697 7772 Typhus John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bowen, Sarah 16 February 1831 Geo & Sarah 21 months Ben Johnson St 3833 5498 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bower, Hannah 18 July 1831 Wm & Hanh 8 years Hunter Str 4354 4963 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bower, James 22 April 1831 - 28 years Grosvenor Str 4041 2804 Consumpn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bowers, John 12 April 1831 Wm & Sarah 5 years Steward Str 4000 7353 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bowker, Edmund 23 October 1831 Edmd &  8 months Burlington St 4716 7774 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Boyle, James Geo 13 September 1831 James & Sarah 9 months Redmayne Pl 4601 6804 Teething No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bradshaw, John 23 January 1831 Thos & Maria 8 months Audley Str 3761 5757 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Braithwaite, Elizabeth 2 November 1831 Wm & A 13 months Norbury Str 4751 7771 Decline D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bramwell, Sarah 31 August 1831 - 39 years Sawney Pope St 4548 4548 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Brandrick, Daniel 29 July 1831 - 23 years Canning Str 4399 7782 Cholera James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Brewer, Elizabeth 28 July 1831 Thos & Jane 6 weeks Grosvenor Str 4398 7778 Convulns J.W Baynes 352 CEM 2/2/1
Breyer, Emma 7 December 1831 Lawrence & Ann 18 years Temple Str 4889 2369 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Britton, William 13 January 1831 - 72 years Haymarket  3722 1306 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bromley, James 21 September 1831 James & Jane 2 months Mill Street E 4625 7347 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Broughton, William & Mary 24 July 1831 Broughton 7 months Marlborough Str 4374 7562 Water In Brn Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Brown, Judith 24 August 1831 - 65 years Westmoreland St 4513 7783 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Brown, Margaret 10 February 1831 - 58 years Pleasant St 3818 1576 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Brown, William 5 August 1831 - 45 years Highfield Str 4427 6803 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bruce, Henry 17 May 1831 - 32 years Boundary Pl 4139 6539 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bryant, Robert 6 September 1831 Saml & M. Ann 6 months Heath Street 4575 6804 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bryce, David 27 January 1831 - 54 years Bolton Str 3770 7356 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Buckley, Thomas 15 June 1831 Thos & Jane 2 years Edge Hill 4251 7595 Water In Brn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Buckley, William 25 May 1831 John & Eliz 2½ years Peter Street 4178 7594 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Buckton, Richard 13 August 1831 - 42 years Dale Street 4453 3744 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bugain, Mary Ann 12 April 1831 Jno & Mary Ann 2½ years Crowther Str 3999 7353 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burkey, Robert 15 November 1831 - 3 years Bond Str 4806 7066 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burley, Ann 7 February 1831 - 64 years Rodney Street 3792 1862 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burns, Edward 16 October 1831 - 48 years Brick Street 4696 2582 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burns, Elizabeth 3 January 1831 - 72 years Adlington St 3685 1105 Old Age John Stewart 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burns, Ellen 10 July 1831 Wm & Ellen 5 months Lawrence Str 4330 1066 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Burns, James 3 October 1831 - 43 years Woodstock  Str 4660 5710 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Bushell, William 3 May 1831 - 1 month Milk Street 4095 7073 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Butt, Caroline 2 February 1831 Wm & Isabella 3 weeks Parliament Street 3784 6278 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Butters, Elizabeth 4 January 1831 - 35 years Spitalfields 3691 5754 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cahoun, Frances 15 May 1831 - 78 years St Andrew's St 4132 5467 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Callan, John W 25 March 1831 John & M.A 8 months Trueman St 3939 6808 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Callington, Ann 24 July 1831 - 50 years Pitt Street 4378 7073 Rupture Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Callister, James 22 November 1831 - 9 months Fontenoy Str 4829 6805 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Callwood, James 18 May 1831 Peter & Martha 13 months Low Hill 4148 7352 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cameron, John 30 October 1831 Peter & Elizth 18 months St Andrew's St 4743 7771 Water In Hd Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Campbell, Archibald 10 October 1831 - 22 years Fever Ward 4680 1846 Fever No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Campbell, James 6 March 1831 Fras & Alice 5 months Rupert Street 3890 6276 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Campbell, John 21 February 1831 - 40 years Workhouse 3847 6808 Inflamn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cannell, Isabella 22 January 1831 - 54 years Comus Street 3756 7356 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cannell, William 3 July 1831 - 9 years Rose Place 4302 6806 Ht Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cantrill, Mary E 12 June 1831 Chas & Ellen 3½ years Lambert Str 4243 7593 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cantrill, Sophia 12 June 1831 Chas & Ellen 7 months Lambert Str 4245 7593 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Card, John S 26 July 1831 Willm & Ann 7 years Oakes Street 4389 7351 Smallpox Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Card, Sarah 29 August 1831 Wm & Ann 10 weeks Oakes Street 4536 7351 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Card, Thomas 8 August 1831 Wm & Ann 2 months Oakes Street 4441 7351 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Card, Walter 3 August 1831 Wm & Ann 3 years Oakes Street 4419 7351 Smallpox John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Carnchen, Samuel 18 September 1831 - 27 years Brownlow Hill 4610 7776 Fever Webster Morgan 352 CEM 2/2/1
Carran, Ellen 30 October 1831 John & Alice 3 weeks Barter Street 4740 7067 Convulns Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Carson, Mary Ann 17 June 1831 - 36 years Clayton Str 4259 1316 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Carter, Robert 17 July 1831 - 94 years Trowbridge Str 4352 7778 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cartlich, Jane 16 March 1831 Jos & Mary 3½ years Gerard Street 3922 2589 Fever John Kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Casson, John 17 April 1831 - 75 years Lawrence Street 4015 4992 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Casson, Ruth A 2 March 1831 Jos & Jane 4 years Dwerryhouse St 3876 2365 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Castlow, James 27 March 1831 - 54 years Davies Str 3944 6275 Dropsy No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cathan, Esther 1 May 1831 Wm & Eliz 9 months Upper Frederick St 4087 7077 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cattlow, Alice 21 July 1831 - 35 years Ray Street 4366 6537 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cawley, Margaret 18 December 1831 - 23 years Lumber Street 4920 6535 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chadwick, Ann 24 November 1831 Tim& Eliz 18 months Bond Street 4838 7066 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chadwick, Sarah E 2 March 1831 Thos & Ann 12 months Duncan St 3875 3079 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chalmers, Isabella 13 September 1831 Jas & Mary 9 months Frederick Str 4599 3318 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chalmers, John 7 March 1831 James & Mary 2 years Bridgewater Str 3896 5753 Decline Thos Raffles 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chapman, (No First Name) 27 January 1831 - 5 weeks Addison Str 3773 6543 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Charnley, Catherine 4 January 1831 - 76 years Prussia Street 3692 2341 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Charnley, Dorothy 1 June 1831 - 50 years Everton Brick 4198 3308 Decline W Henshaw 352 CEM 2/2/1
Chesters, Ann J 8 June 1831 Jno & Ann 4 years Marquiss Str 4230 2078 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Christian, Richard S 1 January 1831 Chas &  5 months Anson Terrace 3674 6811 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Christopherson, Ellen H 30 June 1831 Wm & S 6 years Park Lane 4289 2332 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Christopherson, Margaret A 15 July 1831 Wm & S 3 years Park Lane 4349 2332 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Church, Thomas 1 November 1831 John & Mary 6 months Cavendish Str 4748 7067 Inflamn P. Thomson 352 CEM 2/2/1
Church, Thomas 26 November 1831 Abr & Elizth 1 year Portland Str 4843 2830 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clare, Ellen 24 May 1831 - 51 years Copperas Hill 4176 7594 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clark, William 20 February 1831 - 54 years Audley Street 3845 5753 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clarke, Ann 23 October 1831 Joseph & Hannah 4 years Lime Kiln Lane 4714 7773 Typhus John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clarkson, Mary 24 April 1831 - 12 months Williamson St 4047 2087 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clayton, Edward 27 November 1831 Jas & Jane 16 months Rose Hill 4844 3291 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clayton, Louisa 4 December 1831 Jas & Jane 2½ years Rose Hill 4870 3294 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clayton, Mary 18 May 1831 - 64 years Pembroke Str 4146 6539 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Claytor, Frances E 5 August 1831 - 7 days Marybone 4428 6539 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clewlow, Joseph 20 February 1831 Wm & Maria 4 years Leeds Street 3843 5245 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clinton, Ann C 13 July 1831 - 55 years Banastre Str 4344 7350 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Clough, Margaret 22 September 1831 - 32 years Arley Street 4628 7552 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cochrane, Margaret D 22 August 1831 Alex & M 10 months Bevington Bush 4498 7594 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cockerill, John 14 August 1831 - 68 years Old Cross Hall Str 4463 7349 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cockin, James R 10 August 1831 Robt & Jane 7 months Circus Street 4447 7589 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cockshutt, James 14 August 1831 - 2 years Norman Str 4462 7589 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cole, Henry C 24 April 1831 & Jane 6 years Anson Place 4053 7354 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coleborn, Henry 14 October 1831 - 27 years Hunter Str 4690 5710 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Collins, Mary 5 September 1831 John &  20 months Clayton Str 4573 7783 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Collins, Robert 25 February 1831 Robt & Cathe 3 months Hurst Street 3859 6012 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Comer, Ann 10 July 1831 - 62 years Jordan Street 4327 2861 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cook, Elizabeth 13 June 1831 - 27 years Bolton Street 4247 7595 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cookson, John 4 November 1831 John & Mary 2 years Egypt Street 4765 6798 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coombes, Lambert 28 August 1831 Fredk & Eliz 9 months Whitechapel 4532 1544 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Copple, Agnes 8 May 1831 Robt & Alice 14 years Nash Street 4118 7591 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Corcoran, Dennis 11 February 1831 - 78 years Workhouse 3819 6012 Old Age No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Corkhill, William 30 November 1831 Wm & Ellen 1 week Leeds Street 4861 7346 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, Henrietta 6 September 1831 - 27 years Redmayne Court 4576 7590 ?? John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, James 28 August 1831 Abr & Esther 7 months Atherton Str 4534 7349 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, Robert 23 August 1831 Alex & Est 3 years Allaston St 4503 7349 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, Robert M 25 September 1831 Thos & Hena 2 years Hawke Str 4642 7774 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, Thomas 3 July 1831 - 30 years Redmayne St 4295 7590 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Coulthard, Thomas M 11 September 1831 Thos & H 1 week Redmayne Pl 4591 7590 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cowan, Henry 6 October 1831 Heny & Margt 8 months Norman Str 4672 6805 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cowan, Samuel 25 August 1831 Saml & Grace 6 weeks Peter's Lane 4518 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cowley, Edward 10 October 1831 - 31 years Leeds Street 4679 7069 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Craig, Sarah 13 April 1831 - 26 years Fever Ward 4005 6540 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crank, Elizabeth 12 April 1831 Robt & Alice 2 weeks Leeds Street 4002 7076 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Creer, Mary Ann 3 April 1831 Wm & Margt 5 years Blake Street 3969 1360 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Creighton, Jane 18 April 1831 - 66 years Sparling St 4027 6275 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crellin, Ann 3 May 1831 - 19 years Brunswick Rd 4090 7593 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crellin, James 5 January 1831 James & Jane 8 months Richmond Row 3694 6544 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crellin, Margaret 20 February 1831 James & Jane 2½ years Richmond Row 3844 5245 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Critchley, Elizabeth 24 November 1831 Jas & Mary 3 years London Road 4839 7066 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Croasdale, Elizabeth 23 August 1831 - 66 years Windsor 4500 3737 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crompton, Elizabeth 22 September 1831 David & Mary 5 months Pownall Sqr 4632 1347 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crookall, John 22 February 1831 Jno & Elizth 15 hours Brownlow Hill 3850 7874 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crosley, Jane 9 January 1831 - 36 years Nash Street 3707 5754 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cross, Margaret 30 August 1831 Peter & Mary 4½ years Highfield Str 4542 6804 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cross, Robert 19 July 1831 - 27 years Clayton Street 4359 7778 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cross, Thomas 30 March 1831 Robt & Jane 12 months Pinnington Str 3959 6808 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crow, Henry Thos 23 October 1831 Edw & Elizth 4 months Pall Mall 4717 7773 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crowe, Frederick 29 June 1831 Wm & Ann 6 months Bishpam Str 4287 6539 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Crowe, Mary Elizth 11 May 1831 Robt & Mary 3 weeks Gloucester Str 4124 6540 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cruize, William 22 June 1831 - 63 years Toxteth Park 4271 6538 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cruse, William 4 December 1831 - 6 months Norman Str 4875 6542 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cumberland, Ann 4 March 1831 - 35 years Lionel Street 3884 1110 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Cumming, Jane 3 February 1831 Hugh & Hanh 2 years Poole Street 3785 1076 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Currie, Eleanor 1 April 1831 Matt &  2 years Bushy Road 3968 6808 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dagnall, John 24 November 1831 - 61 years Lime Street 4836 6533 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dale, Edward John 25 July 1831 John & Ann 17 days Walnut Street 4382 7351 Bowl Compl R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dalton, John 13 November 1831 Wm & Martha 5 years Temple Street 4793 6534 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dancer, Ellen 14 October 1831 - 18 years Warren Str 4689 2841 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Danks, Thomas 3 August 1831 Thos & Mary 9 months Thurlow Str 4422 7778 Chinkcough John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Darrah, Archibald 4 October 1831 - 80 years Park Lane 4662 7345 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Daulby, Ann 23 January 1831 Robt & Lydia 2 years Copperas Hill 3763 5248 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Daulby, John 19 January 1831 - 7 weeks Robert Str 3748 5244 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davidson, James 18 September 1831 Jas & Mary A 9 months Smithfield Str 4612 7562 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davidson, Jane M 14 November 1831 Jas & M.A. 5 months Smithfield Str 4797 7562 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davidson, Margaret 6 December 1831 Jas & M.A. 3 years Smithfield Str 4880 7562 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Ann 1 August 1831 Jas & Martha 11 months St Andrew's St 4411 7778 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Ann 23 November 1831 - 87 years Prussia Street 4831 7775 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Charlotte 15 March 1831 Hen F & Jane 18 months Banastre Str 3919 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Edward 3 May 1831 Jno & Sarah 7 months Ormond Str 4096 7031 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Edward 15 June 1831 Richd & Bridget 3½ years Clement Str 4252 7742 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Edwin 8 January 1831 Jos & Cathe 7 months St Stephen's St 3702 1356 Inflamn Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Eliza 9 September 1831 - 8 years Fontenoy Str 4587 7777 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Elizabeth 1 May 1831 Thos & Cathe 2 years Bolton Street 4085 6807 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Elizabeth 30 September 1831 - 43 years Basnet Street 4652 6533 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Hannah 17 February 1831 Robt & Jane 3 years Prince Wm Str 3836 7356 Inflamn Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Harriet 26 October 1831 Thos & Margt 11 months Lawton Str 4730 7344 Convulns John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Isabella 27 February 1831 - 68 years Portland Place 3861 6011 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Joseph 21 May 1831 - 33 years Stephen Str 4160 1356 Decline Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Lydia 12 February 1831 Robt & Jane Prince 5 years Williams Street 3823 7356 Inflamn Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Mary 26 April 1831 - 51 years Ormond Str 4062 7031 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Mary 10 August 1831 - 55 years Chisenhall St 4444 7318 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Mary 11 August 1831 Richd & Bridget 17 months Clement Street 4448 7742 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Sarah 7 April 1831 Robt & Margt 10 months Cheapside 3985 7076 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davies, Walter 20 April 1831 - 25 years Shaw's Brow 4034 2594 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davis, Hannah 31 July 1831 - 69 years Charter Str 4403 7072 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Davison, Mary 22 May 1831 Thos & Elizth 6 months Gore Street 4162 7355 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dawber, Thomas 2 September 1831 Thos & M.A 17 months Bk Lime Str 4559 1845 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dawson, Elizabeth 11 January 1831 - 69 years Springfield St 3718 7079 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dawson, George 21 January 1831 John & Mary 6 years Wesley Place 3752 1603 Typhus Isaac Perry 352 CEM 2/2/1
De Main, Thomas 18 April 1831 Jno & Susan 9 years Dale Street 4028 3312 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
De Mann, Robert 21 August 1831 Jno & Susan 7 months Dale Street 4491 3312 Liver Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
De Silver, Ann 2 February 1831 - 40 years Moor Street 3782 6276 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
De Silver, Jane 27 February 1831 Emanl & Ann 7 weeks Moor Street 3867 6276 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Deery, Elizabeth 27 November 1831 Wm & Ellen 11 months Pinnington Str 4853 7346 Teeth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Delamore, Jane 13 April 1831 Thos & Chare 2 years New Milk St 4004 7076 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dent, Thomas 6 October 1831 - 45 years Infirmary 4667 6800 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Denton, Sarah 29 May 1831 Wm & Ann 19 months Collingwood St 4191 7354 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Derbyshire, Elizabeth 13 September 1831 - 36 years Circus Street 4604 7070 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Derbyshire, Elizabeth 22 November 1831 Jos & N. 6 months West Derby 4827 6805 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Derry, Ann 2 September 1831 Edw & Cathe 7 months Bolton Str 4562 7778 Teething No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dew, Thomas 10 January 1831 - 45 years Gibraltar Row 3710 5754 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Diamond, John 11 February 1831 - 3 years Milton Str 3820 2303 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dickenson, Eleanor 2 November 1831 Geo & Agnes 12 years Rose Place 4754 7582 Fever D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dickenson, John H 2 November 1831 Geo & Agnes 4 years Rose Place 4755 7582 Convulns D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Diggles, Edward 9 April 1831 - 45 years Bedford Str 3989 4993 - Thos Raffles 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dilworth, James 18 May 1831 John & Sarah 2½ years Highfield Street 4149 7352 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dixon, Jane 7 January 1831 John & Ann 3 months Canning St 3700 7077 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dixon, John 9 April 1831 - 55 years Gloucester Str 3988 1343 Liver Compt Geo Highfield 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dobbin, John 22 December 1831 - 24 years Mill Street 4929 3112 Brn Fever Hugh Halpse 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dobson, James 10 May 1831 Harry & Nancy 9 years Thurlow Str 4122 5456 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dobson, Jane 9 January 1831 - 21 years Christian Str 3705 5456 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dodd, Elizabeth 13 November 1831 - 58 years Cavendish Str 4792 6534 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dodgson, James 8 May 1831 Wm & Mary 14 months Shaw's Brow 4113 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dodson, Mary 27 March 1831 Geo & Jane 13 years Hunter Street 3948 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Donathan, Thomas 10 November 1831 - - Torbock Str 4784 3727 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Donohoa, Thomas 9 October 1831 - 6 years St Andrew's St 4678 7774 Water In Hd No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dowbiggin, Francis 3 July 1831 - 37 years Toxteth Park 4296 2329 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dowling, Esther 17 May 1831 - 55 years - 4136 5711 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Doyle, John 3 April 1831 Thos & Margt 2 months Bente Street 3973 7076 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dryhurst, Richard 2 January 1831 Wm & Ann 5 weeks Plumbe Street 3684 5244 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Duckworth, Mary 3 August 1831 - 63 years Canning Str 4421 3734 Decline John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Duckworth, William 15 April 1831 - 65 years Mansfield St 4009 2117 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Duffey, Robert 20 April 1831 Jas & Mary Ann 4 years Gt Newton St 4032 2859 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Duke, Ann 20 May 1831 - 53 years Norbury Street 4155 7591 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dulson, Thomas 22 June 1831 Saml & Sarah 15 months Olive Street 4272 7074 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dunkerley, Martha 14 December 1831 Jno & Cathe 8 years Marlbro Str 4908 6537 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dunn, John 9 February 1831 - 68 years Bostock Str 3804 6012 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dutton, Elizabeth 21 August 1831 Jon & Sarah 5 months Peter's Lane 4490 2850 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dwerryhouse George 24 July 1831 - 3 months Edward Str 4380 7351 Convulns Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Dyson, George 16 November 1831 - 29 years Shaw's Brow 4809 7343 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Earle, Eliza G 13 January 1831 Thos & Mary A 2 years Gt Homer St 3719 1357 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eastwood, Kay 17 November 1831 - 78 years Brownlow Hill 4812 3728 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eatwood, Mary 17 August 1831 - 54 years Virginia Str 4471 4970 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eccles, Edmond 24 April 1831 Edmond & Sarah 13 months Duncan St 4051 5753 Inflamn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eccleston, Charles 18 April 1831 - 12 years Hunter Street 4026 6772 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eden, Joseph 16 August 1831 - 23 years Shaw's Brow 4468 7781 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edmonds, John 6 October 1831 - 16 years Birkett Street 4668 3726 Absess John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edmundson, Ann 13 September 1831 Jno & Ann 8 months Lawrence Str 4602 7783 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edwards, Alfred 4 May 1831 Thos &  2 days Johnson Str 4102 7592 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edwards, James 3 May 1831 Joshua & Hart 3 years Robert Street 4094 7592 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edwards, John 1 May 1831 - 58 years Prince Street 4086 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Edwards, Susannah 28 August 1831 Jno & Jane 20 months Clayton Str 4540 7783 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellidge, Arthur 9 November 1831 Geo & Agnes 2 years Rose Place 4779 7582 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Elliott, John 30 November 1831 - 55 years Copperas Hill 4860 1847 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellis, Catherine 23 May 1831 - 88 years Denison Str 4167 7594 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellis, Jane 18 November 1831 Richd & Mary 9 years Portland Place 4816 7343 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellis, Margaret 14 August 1831 - 9 weeks Portland Place 4461 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellis, Margaret 11 September 1831 - 38 years Portland Place 4593 7587 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ellis, William 7 August 1831 Jno & Ann 4 months Gascoigne Str 4434 7556 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ernst, Jacques H 20 November 1831 Late Of Winterthun 18 years Daulby Str 4820 3514 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Erskine, Mary A 9 June 1831 Henry & Ann 12 months Richmond Fr 4233 7591 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Ann 20 October 1831 Robt & Lucy 8 months Old Hall Str 4704 6805 Inflamn John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Daniel 24 October 1831 James & Mary 10 years Knight Street 4722 2561 Consumpn R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, George 22 May 1831 John & Ann 20 months Trueman St 4166 7354 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Jemima 23 April 1831 Thos & Eliz 2 years Freeman's Row 4044 6275 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, John 12 June 1831 - 17 years Gloucester Str 4242 7074 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Lewis 4 July 1831 Robt & Eliz 4 years Croston Str 4307 6804 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Mary A 15 May 1831 - 2½ years Banastre Str 4131 7352 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Owen 12 April 1831 Owen & Cathe 4 years Edmund St 3997 7076 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Evans, Richard 20 April 1831 Owen & Ellen 11 months Edmund St 4033 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Eves, Ann 3 July 1831 Thos & Nora Ann 12 months West Derby 4298 7859 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fairclough, James 27 February 1831 Jas & Cathe 2 weeks Kensington 3869 6012 Jaundice John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fairfield, Margaret 20 September 1831 Jas & Ann 17 months Bennett Str 4616 7347 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fairweather, Jane 2 September 1831 Jas & Cathe 5 months Addison Str 4561 3736 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fallows, Cornelius 17 March 1831 Josh & Ellen 7 months Birtle's Place 3924 2361 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fallows, Henry 14 April 1831 John & Elizth 3 years Marsden St 4008 5754 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Falshaw, Mary Ann 22 July 1831 Jno & Eliza 6 months Short Street 4367 5969 Bowl Compl No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Farnworth, John 26 June 1831 - 21 years Cropper Street 4279 1812 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fegan, Henry 16 November 1831 John & Ann 10 months Mill Place 4810 7343 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ferber, Edward 9 November 1831 Frederick & Ann 12 months gerard Str 4778 7582 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fielden, Jonathan 13 October 1831 Roger & Alice 3 years Matthew Str 4686 6805 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fisher, Robert 24 April 1831 - 38 years Gibraltar Row 4052 7075 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fishwick, Mary 27 July 1831 Wm & Eliz 2 years Chisenhall St 4391 7778 Smallpox R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fleming, Mary 3 April 1831 Thos & Ann 6 years Brownlow Hill 3970 7076 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fleming, William 3 August 1831 Wm &  2 months Lambert Str 4416 7778 Convulns John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Flemming, George A 7 April 1831 Wm & Mary 12 months Williamson Str 3982 6808 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Flinn, Catherine 16 November 1831 Patrick & Errin 15 months Cross Hall St 4811 7770 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ford, Samuel 7 January 1831 Wm & Alice 7 months Cartwright St 3699 1604 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ford, Sarah 17 August 1831 Wm & Margt 2 years Park Lane 4470 3527 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Forsyth, George 20 July 1831 Geo & Ann 10 weeks Ennerdale Str 4363 3045 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Forsyth, Joseph 9 October 1831 - 19 years Windsor 4675 7584 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fothergill, Ann 17 April 1831 Jno & Mary 2 months Pembroke St 4019 6540 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Foulkes, Ann 21 October 1831 - 79 years Bedford Str 4711 3729 Decay David Evans 352 CEM 2/2/1
Foulkes, Edward 2 August 1831 John & Ellen 21 months Stanley Str 4414 2626 Bowl Compl Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Foulkes, Thomas G 17 January 1831 - 2 years Bartlam Str 3736 6769 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fowler, Ellen 11 September 1831 - 13 months Copperas Hill 4595 7590 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Foxton, Robert 11 July 1831 - 40 years Old Hall Str 4336 3086 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
France, George 19 May 1831 - 42 years Harrington Str 4151 1864 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fraser, Martha 24 August 1831 - 55 years Highfield Str 4514 7858 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Frier, Betty 21 September 1831 - 46 years Temple Lane 4619 6229 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Frier, Betty 21 September 1831 - 46 years Temple Lane 4621 6229 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Fryer, Philip 4 December 1831 - 59 years Gloucester Str 4876 7344 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gadd, Hannah 6 March 1831 Geo & Mary 5 years Mill Place 3893 6541 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gadd, Margaret 9 March 1831 Geo & Mary 3 years Mill Place 3906 6541 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Garner, Mary 1 May 1831 - 17 years Chisenhall St 4081 7593 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Garner, Robert 22 June 1831 Thos & Mary 12 months Chisenhall St 4274 7593 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Garner, Sarah 22 June 1831 Thos & Mary 4 years Chisenhall St 4276 7593 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Garrick, Robert 17 April 1831 - 25 years Lunatic Asylum 4014 7353 Lunacy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gaskell, Ann 9 December 1831 - 54 years Hope Street 4898 27 Decline John Grundy 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gaskell, Catherine 5 July 1831 - 56 years Hope Street 4313 27 Scirrhus John Grundy 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gayer, Abraham 22 March 1831 Abr & Mary 16 months Peover Str 3933 6238 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gelling, Henry 22 April 1831 Thos & Ann 13 months Charles Street 4043 7551 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gibbons, George 24 July 1831 John & Ann 17 months Henry Edw St 4375 7351 Smallpox Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gidman, Henry 31 July 1831 Jos & Ha?? 16 months Mill Street 4406 7351 Water In Brn James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gifford, Elizabeth 8 December 1831 - 42 years Brown Street 4892 7028 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Giles, Hannah 30 May 1831 Wm & Mary 3 months Thomas Street 4195 7594 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Giles, William 5 June 1831 - 30 years Thomas Street 4215 7595 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gill, Richard 16 January 1831 - 40 years Fontenoy Str 3727 1107 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gill, William 18 November 1831 - 17 years Fever Ward 4815 7343 Typhus John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Goldsmith, Fanny 15 August 1831 Robt & Fanny 10 years Dale Street 4465 2815 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Goldsmith, Robert 16 October 1831 Robt & Estr 8 months Dale Street 4694 2815 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gore, Edward 16 October 1831 Edm & Jane 4 months Pall Mall 4698 7772 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorham, James & Eliz 12 April 1831 Fredrick & Sarah 1 month Dwerryhouse St 4003 6808 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorham, John 29 March 1831 Fredrick & Sarah 2 years Dwerryhouse St 3954 6808 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorrey, William 25 August 1831 - 24 years Warren Street 4521 2364 Typhus John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorst, Ann 6 September 1831 - 10 days Lime Street 4577 2562 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorst, John 10 April 1831 - 77 years Jericho 3993 2850 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gorsuch, Elizabeth 20 March 1831 - 11 months Scotland Road 3927 1091 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Greaves, James 12 December 1831 - 57 years Kirkdale 4903 5469 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Greaves, Mary 31 August 1831 - 34 years West Derby 4545 3731 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Green, Christopher 18 September 1831 Steph & Isaac 8 months St Andrew's St 4613 7776 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Greenhalgh, Ralph 4 May 1831 - 61 years Dale Street 4098 5711 Mortifn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Greer, Helena 20 January 1831 - 49 years Sir Thos Buildgs 3749 1108 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Greeson, Ann 21 August 1831 - 24 years Red Cross Str 4486 2833 Typhus No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gregg, Thomas 1 September 1831 - 1 month Adlington St 4557 7545 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gregory, Ellen 1 October 1831 - 20 years Finch Street 4656 7585 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gregory, Robert 28 August 1831 John & Harriet 2 years Innerdale St 4539 7783 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffin, John 30 August 1831 John & Ellen 10 months Vauxhall Rd 4543 6804 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Catherine 13 January 1831 - 35 years Bispham Str 3721 7079 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Edwin 2 March 1831 Jno & Chrisa 9 days Spring Place 3880 3880 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Ellen 3 August 1831 Thos & Mary 13 months Hayton Street 4418 7072 Water In Brn John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Emma 13 March 1831 Jno & Chrisa 3 weeks Spring Place 3917 6511 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Jane 25 April 1831 John & Mary 10 months Edmund St 4060 7353 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Mary 3 January 1831 - 45 years Highfield Str 3687 6544 Liver Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, Mary 26 August 1831 Evan & Alice 6 months Marybone 4524 7589 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Griffiths, William 18 May 1831 Lewis & Mary 2 years John Street 4142 1050 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Guirron, Elizabeth 1 September 1831 Jno & Caroline 11 weeks Hurst Street 4553 7573 Dysentry John Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Gwinell, Sarah Ann 27 December 1831 Heny & Sarah 4 days Pembroke Str 4942 3296 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hall, Mary 17 June 1831 Jas & Ann 16 months Kent Square 4257 3530 Measles John Beecham 352 CEM 2/2/1
Halliburton, William 14 August 1831 Wm & Jane 9 months Burlington Str 4457 7589 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Halton, Ann 9 January 1831 - 82 years Pointon St 3704 5757 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hampson, Peter 14 December 1831 - 80 years Low Hill 4906 6798 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hamson's, Mrs, Still Born Child 3 May 1831 Hamson - Clayton St 4093 5463 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hancock, Mary 8 May 1831 John & Mary 8 years Orange Str 4117 7593 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hane, William 17 April 1831 - 3 years Highfield Str 4022 6275 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hannah, Ann 14 November 1831 - 70 years Williamson Str 4798 6805 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hanson, Jane 18 August 1831 Joseph & Cathe 1 month Pall Mall 4479 7349 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harding, Mary 10 April 1831 - 42 years Kent Street 3994 7353 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hardman, John 8 February 1831 Richd & Jane 7 years Upper Newingn 3796 7867 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hargreaves, Isabella 2 December 1831 - 52 years Hale Street 4868 6798 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hargreaves, Mary 18 September 1831 Jno & Cathe 7 years High Street 4611 7776 Typhus John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hargreaves, William 30 October 1831 Jno & Elizth 4 months Dale Street 4742 7067 - Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harkings, William 15 September 1831 Wm & Ellen 11 months Circus Street 4607 7590 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harling, Ann 7 December 1831 Wm & Ann 10 years South Str Park 4884 6537 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harris, Ann 6 May 1831 - 33 years Bishpam Str 4107 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harris, Ann 30 October 1831 Wm & Ann 6 years Bispham Str 4746 7771 Measles Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harris, Edward 15 July 1831 Wm & Ann 5 months Bishpam Str 4348 7352 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harrison, George 18 February 1831 Wm & Betty 2 years Clayton Street 3841 5465 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harrison, Jonathan C 19 May 1831 Wm & Elizth 2 years New Scotland Rd 4150 7352 Hoop Cough No Cer F. L 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harrison, Margaret 22 September 1831 - 22 years Cross Hall St 4631 7775 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harrison, William 10 July 1831 Richd & Mary 1 month Cross Hall St 4332 7759 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hartley, Thomas 10 January 1831 - 46 years Norris Street 3711 3456 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harvey, John 30 July 1831 - 54 years Gill Street 4401 4401 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Harvey, Mary 11 July 1831 - - Houghton Str 4337 3528 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Haslehurst, John 2 January 1831 James & Ellen 2 years Standish Str 3679 5502 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hassall, Thomas 20 December 1831 - 45 years Duke Street 4923 5497 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hayes, Jane 7 September 1831 - 25 years Midghall Str 4582 7590 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hayes, Thomas G 3 July 1831 - 6 years Codlington Str 4300 7590 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hazeldine, William 12 April 1831 - 22 years Low Hill 3998 5771 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Healey, Elizabeth 29 December 1831 - 7 days West Derby 4951 6805 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Healey, Martin 25 September 1831 - 40 years Duncan Str 4636 7774 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Heap. Mary 28 January 1831 Wm & Jane 9 years Aldersey Street 3775 5757 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Heaton, Robert 20 October 1831 - 25 years Bell Street 4706 7583 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Heeling, Henry 25 November 1831 Late Of Birmimgham 21 years - 4840 5454 Drowned John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hemming, John A 26 July 1831 Wm & Mary 5 years Williamson Str 4387 6806 Dropsy Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Henderson, Ann 4 March 1831 - 39 years Old Dock 3886 3315 Fit John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hendrick, Caroline 16 November 1831 Thos & Elizth 5 weeks Brunswick Rd 4808 5010 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Henshaw, Ann 7 June 1831 Josh & Mary 20 months Burlington St 4225 7594 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hepworth, Sarah 5 July 1831 Wm & Sarah 2 months St James's Str 4311 1061 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Herkus, John 7 February 1831 - 27 years Infirmary 3793 6276 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Herst, Mary 25 December 1831 Geo & Mary 4 years Wellington Str 4940 7343 Chinkcough No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hesket, Richard 13 November 1831 Jas & Cathe 2 years Leeds Street 4791 6804 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hesketh, Mary 21 April 1831 - 36 years Adlington St 4039 7075 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hewitt, Elizabeth 7 August 1831 Chas & Eliza 5 months McVicar Str 4431 7778 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Heyden, Catherine A 2 July 1831 - 33 years London Road 4294 3296 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Heyworth, Elizabeth 1 September 1831 Lawe & Betsy 5 years West Derby 4551 61 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Higgin, Betty 8 July 1831 - 77 years Crown Street 4320 47 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hignett, George 19 July 1831 Wm & Jane 10 months Midghall Str 4362 7351 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hignett, William 21 January 1831 - 14 years Venn Street 3754 3754 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hill, Mary 15 November 1831 - 14 years St Andrew's St 4804 7066 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hilton, Ellen 8 January 1831 - 48 years Shaw's Brow 3701 1860 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hindle, Hannah 7 August 1831 Henry & Hanh 3 months Byrom Str 4432 3526 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hindle, Henry 1 July 1831 - 27 years Byrom Street 4292 3526 Epilipsy S Saunders 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hockaday, Ann 20 October 1831 Matt & Mary 4 months Queen Str 4708 6805 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hodkinson, Wm Hy 22 February 1831 Jno Mary 8 years Circus Street 3848 7870 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hodson, Catherine 24 April 1831 - 45 years Cavendish St 4049 7592 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hodson, Elizabeth 14 December 1831 - 27 years Lime Street 4909 6537 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hodson, Mary 11 January 1831 John & Elizth 3 years Lime Street 3716 6544 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hodson, William 11 January 1831 John & Elizth 5 years Lime Street 3715 6544 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hogarth, Morgan 15 June 1831 Jas & Jane 4 years Circus Street 4248 7595 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hogg, Ellen 30 October 1831 Walter & Margt 20 months Finch Str 4745 7067 Smallpox Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holden, Margaret 26 February 1831 Jas & Sarah 10 years Gloucester Str 3860 2624 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holding, Margaret 19 October 1831 Jno & Mary 11 months Titchfield Str 4702 6805 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holerhead, Richard 26 May 1831 - 58 years Bishpam Str 4184 7780 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holgate, John 25 April 1831 Jas & Mary 10 months Maddox Str 4059 1553 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holishede, John F 23 May 1831 - 27 years Gt George Str 4168 3531 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holland, John 5 July 1831 Dan & Eliz 10 weeks Gerard Street 4314 6806 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holland, John 2 November 1831 Thos & Sarah 3 weeks Bittern Str 4756 7582 Convulns D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holland, William 22 October 1831 - 11 months Brown Str 4713 7783 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hollerhead, James 28 July 1831 Thos & Jane 10 weeks Copperas Hill 4397 7778 Bowl Compl J.W Baynes 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holmes, John 29 August 1831 John & Alice 3 weeks Baptist Street 4538 7783 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Holmes, Rowland N 27 August 1831 - 3 weeks Greek Street 4527 7589 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hooker, Mary 24 November 1831 - 76 years Horatio Str 4835 6533 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Horbury, William 14 October 1831 Geo & Ann 4 years Springfield St 4692 7774 Worms Thos Oliver 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hornby, Elizabeth 25 November 1831 - 71 years Hodson Str 4841 6535 Cramp John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Horne, Ruth 20 September 1831 - 32 years Upper Dawson St 4615 7733 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Horner, Betty 28 March 1831 - 40 years Eldon Place 3949 3314 Ht Compt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Horner, Ellen M 4 December 1831 Josh & Esther 2½ years Eccles Street 4874 3314 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hough, Henry 20 May 1831 Henry & Margt 3 years Bishpam Str 4159 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hough, Margaret 6 May 1831 Robt & Margt 8 years Bishpam Str 4109 7592 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Howard, Emma 17 January 1831 - 28 years Gascoigne Str 3737 7079 Childbirth No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Howell, Elizabeth 12 September 1831 Geo & Mary 15 months Ray Street 4598 7590 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Howell, Sarah 13 July 1831 Peter & Sarah 17 months Vauxhall Rd 4341 6806 Water In Brn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hudson, Ann 18 July 1831 - 5 weeks Burlington St 4356 6806 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Huggins, Elizabeth 2 January 1831 - 22 years Tithebarn Str 3678 5754 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Ann 13 June 1831 - - St Ann Street 4246 26 Paralysis No Cer L 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, David 19 May 1831 - 42 years Highfield St 4154 3323 Decline John Davies 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, David 28 October 1831 John & Rebecca 2½ years Mersey Street 4736 7344 Smallpox James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Edmundson 4 May 1831 Jas & Isa - Stockdale Street 4103 7075 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Eleanor 5 May 1831 - 28 years Trowbridge Str 4106 7593 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Elizabeth 5 April 1831 - 46 years Infirmary 3978 6540 Burnt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Ellen 17 May 1831 Hugh & Cathe 14 years Carpenter's Row 4137 7591 Decline John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Henry 22 June 1831 - 16 months Silver Street 4270 6540 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Jane 3 August 1831 Wm & Rose 7 months Elder Street 4420 7072 Convulns John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, John 9 March 1831 Lewis & Ann 3 months Pontack Street 3905 5753 Convulns Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, John 31 July 1831 John & Letitia 2 months Park Lane 4408 6806 Convulns James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Lydia 27 August 1831 Hugh & Margt 7 months Gascoigne Str 4528 7589 Smallpox Wm Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Margaret 27 December 1831 Jno & Mary 20 months Cannon Str 4943 6533 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Maria 4 September 1831 Martin & Maria 2 weeks Milton Str 4567 2349 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Mary 8 May 1831 Josh & Isabella 3½ years Stockdale St 4119 7075 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Mary 4 June 1831 - 32 years Cavendish St 4212 6806 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Mary 7 August 1831 - 28 years Clayton Str 4430 1857 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Robert 2 September 1831 - 38 years Jordan Str 4558 3516 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Sarah  5 October 1831 - 60 years Clayton Str 4665 1857 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Sarah E 16 March 1831 Evan & Ellen 2 months Gildart's Gardens 3923 5753 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughe's, Still Born Child 27 June 1831 Hughes - Gloucester Str 4286 1095 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Still Born Child Of 18 October 1831 Hughes - Clare Street 4709 7077 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Susannah 15 July 1831 - 21 years Birdport Str 4350 6230 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, Thomas 16 September 1831 Wm & Sophia 14 months Ryley's Gardens 4609 6804 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William 13 July 1831 - 79 years Queen Street 4345 7350 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William 21 July 1831 - 40 years Tithebarn Str 4365 3738 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William 28 October 1831 Jas & Sarah 1 year Pall Mall 4737 7344 Teething James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William 25 November 1831 Wm & Janet 8 years Marybone 4842 7066 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William 18 December 1831 Richd & Sarh 6 months Ford Street 4915 6535 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughes, William H 12 December 1831 Jno & Ann 4 months Milk Street 4904 5456 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hughson, Milbourn 6 January 1831 - 2½ years Sir Thos Buildgs 3696 2860 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hull, Ellen 18 April 1831 - 38 years Standish Street 4024 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hulse, Mary A 24 April 1831 Thos & Johana 11 months Naylor Street 4054 6808 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hunter, John 15 May 1831 - 8 years Rupert Street 4133 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hutchinson, Margaret 16 October 1831 M & M 2 years Edmond Str 4695 7772 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Hutton, Henry 15 February 1831 Wm & Elizth 8 months Union Street 3831 5499 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Isaac, Diana 26 January 1831 - 40 years Rake Lane 3768 7356 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Isaac, Margaret 1 October 1831 - 18 years Rake Lane 4653 5004 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Isaacs, Thomas 21 August 1831 Jno & Margt 6 months Trowbridge Str 4489 7351 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Isherwood, Benjamin 29 November 1831 - 59 years Midghall Str 4858 4858 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Isherwood, William 2 November 1831 Jno & Mary 2½ years Peter Street 4752 7771 Fever D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Amelia 15 April 1831 - 7 years Low Hill 4010 6540 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Ann 17 May 1831 John & Elizth 9 months Scotland Road 4141 7308 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Charles 7 July 1831 - 72 years Finch Street 4317 3353 Decay John Stewart 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Dorothy 9 January 1831 - 64 years Hunter Street 3703 2114 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Henry 24 April 1831 Jas & Emma 18 months Milton Street 4056 6540 Bilious John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, Jane 8 March 1831 - 26 years Banastre Str 3900 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jackson, John 9 January 1831 - 32 years Stanhope Street 3708 5245 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
James, Mary Ann 26 July 1831 Wm & Alice 6 years Rose Place 4386 7778 Hoop Cough James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, Arthur 26 October 1831 - 28 years Fever Ward 4731 6799 Fever John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, Edwin 11 September 1831 Saml & Martha 7 months Copperas Hill 4592 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, Joseph 10 June 1831 Josh & Mary 5 months Brownlow Hill 4237 7073 Accidt No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, Joseph 24 October 1831 - 27 years Laurel Street 4721 5469 Absess James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, Thomas 28 December 1831 - 21 months Hart Street 4947 6537 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnson, William 11 September 1831 Jno & Margt 7 months Copperas Hill 4590 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Johnston, William 1 May 1831 Wm & Elizth 12 months Circus Street 4082 7075 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jonas, Edward 2 January 1831 Edw & Sarah 3 months Bolton Street 3682 5499 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jonas, Rachel 27 December 1831 Wm & Lydia 12 years Shaw's Brow 4941 1112 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Alexander 6 June 1831 & Cathe 10 years Creer Street 4219 3338 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Ann 27 October 1831 - 42 years Wood Street 4732 6799 Decline Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Bridget 5 August 1831 - 40 years Gerard Street 4426 1838 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Caroline F 15 May 1831 Thos & Jane 4 months Addle Street 4130 7593 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Charlotte 11 October 1831 - 24 years Stewart Str 4683 7068 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, David 6 November 1831 David & Mary 5 months Richmond Row 4770 7582 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Edward 26 September 1831 Hugh & Eliz 7 months Clayton Street 4643 7774 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Eliza 30 November 1831 John & Mary 3 years Lambert Str 4863 7346 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 5 March 1831 - 26 years Tithebarn Str 3881 1611 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 29 May 1831 Thos & Alice 3 days Rose Place 4188 7354 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 30 May 1831 Wm & Eliz 4 years Richmond Row 4193 7594 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 3 August 1831 John & Elizth 4 months Finch Place 4417 7072 Convulns John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 15 November 1831 - 78 years Richmond Row 4801 7066 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Elizabeth 15 December 1831 Heny & Elizth 12 months Lumber Street 4911 7864 Hoop Cough John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Esther F 10 August 1831 Edw & Jane 4 months Duncan Str 4445 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Grace 22 September 1831 - 27 years Queen Street 4630 7775 Cholera Thos M Davis 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Griffith 23 March 1831 - 32 years Hastington St 3936 6540 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Henry 27 March 1831 Wm & Elizth 8 months Maddox Str 3945 6541 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Jane 9 February 1831 Thos & Ellen 3 years Grafton Str 3807 6279 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Jane 13 March 1831 John & Charl 7 weeks Stewart Str 3916 7356 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Jane 31 August 1831 John & Elizth 3 years Drury Lane 4547 7351 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Jane 12 September 1831 - 69 years Ray Street 4597 7587 Decline Thomas Davies 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 3 February 1831 - 40 years Milton Str 3787 6012 Sudden Death John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 12 March 1831 Thos & Elizth 4 weeks St Vincent St 3909 5754 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 10 June 1831 - 24 years Infirmary 4236 7074 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 22 September 1831 Robt & Sarah 6 weeks Lionel Street 4623 6234 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 2 October 1831 John & Elizh 3 years Eaton Street 4659 7774 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, John 8 November 1831 - 18 years Rigby Street 4774 7343 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 7 August 1831 - 15 years Bk Leeds Str 4429 7778 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 18 August 1831 Wm & Mary 2 years Richmond Row 4478 7349 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 13 October 1831 - 19 years Cooper's Row 4685 7857 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 25 October 1831 Robt & Cathe 2 years Sparling St 4727 7774 Fever Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 4 November 1831 Robt & Jane 6 months Brunswick Rd 4763 5218 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 15 November 1831 John & Margt 20 months London Road 4802 7066 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Margaret 21 November 1831 - 80 years Lumber Str 4826 7066 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Mary 9 February 1831 - 33 years Queen Str 3812 5498 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Mary 10 February 1831 Saml & Elizth 7 months Nash Grove 3814 1608 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Mary 13 April 1831 - 53 years Magazines 4006 6540 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Mary 24 July 1831 - 43 years Sawney Pope St 4376 6804 Liver Compt Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Mary Ann 21 April 1831 Thos & M.A 14 months Pembroke Garns 4040 5000 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Morris 4 May 1831 Robt & Ann 14 months Stockdale Str 4101 6807 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Richard 2 January 1831 - 30 years Grenville Str 3677 1560 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Robert 7 March 1831 - 10 years Fontenoy Str 3897 5753 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Robert 4 May 1831 Robt & Eliza 20 months London Road 4100 1342 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Robert 1 October 1831 Robt & Cathe 3 months Sparling St 4658 7774 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Robert 6 October 1831 Wm & Mary 2 months Richmond Row 4669 7349 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Robert 18 December 1831 - 37 years King's Street 4921 6535 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Samuel 22 December 1831 Saml & Mary 9 years Leeds Street 4931 2608 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Sarah 29 September 1831 Wm & Mary 13 months Brook Str 4648 7774 Bowl Compl Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Thomas 6 March 1831 - 59 years College Lane 3895 7076 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Thomas 1 October 1831 - 87 years Ben Johnson St 4657 7585 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, Thomas 6 December 1831 - 40 years Benn's Gardens 4882 7775 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 27 January 1831 John & Sarah 7 months Bent Street 3771 6811 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 9 April 1831 - 62 years Dale Street 3990 1801 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 3 May 1831 John &  3 years Milk Street 4097 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 22 June 1831 - 30 years Rigby Street 4266 6538 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 21 August 1831 Thos & Cathe 3 months Chisenhall St 4494 6541 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Jones, William 18 November 1831 - 3 months Chaucer Str 4817 7343 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Joynson, Ann 4 January 1831 John & Ann 8 months Orange Street 3689 5244 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kay, Thomas 4 May 1831 Thos & Ellen 2½ years Finch Place 4099 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kaye, Martha 27 September 1831 Josh & Eliz 15 months Norris Str 4644 7774 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Keal, Zacharias 16 January 1831 - 76 years Brunswick Rd 3730 5245 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Keeling, Sarah 31 August 1831 - 23 years Fever Ward 4546 7348 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kelly, John 24 April 1831 - 25 years - 4045 7592 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kelly, John 29 April 1831 - 27 years Preston Str 4078 7075 Apoplexy No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kelshaw, Margaret 13 July 1831 - 3 weeks Clayton Str 4343 6275 Fits John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kemp, Mary 30 October 1831 - 50 years Olive Street 4739 7771 Asthma Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kendall, Abraham 28 January 1831 - 33 years Norfolk Str 3774 6276 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kennett, George 29 January 1831 Geo & Elizth 2½ years Copperas Hill 3776 1091 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kenreid, John 22 May 1831 Wm & Maria 11 months Addison Str 4164 7355 Water In Brn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kensie, Eleanor 11 September 1831 Ralph & Jane 15 months Chisenhall St 4594 7590 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kewley, James 2 January 1831 Wm & Catherine 14 months Edge Hill 3680 5502 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kiberd, Henry 2 February 1831 Henry & Christina 13 months Dansie Street 3783 6810 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Killop, Thomas 2 March 1831 Thos & Esther 12 months Milton Str 3879 6276 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Killup, Thomas 13 March 1831 Thos & Esther 3 years Milton Str 3914 7356 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kilshaw, Mary 4 July 1831 - 39 years New Scotland Rd 4305 5008 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kinery, Richard 13 February 1831 Peter & Mary 2½ years Ryley's Gardens 3824 7032 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kipp, John 31 July 1831 - 38 years Ford Street 4407 7072 Inflamn James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kirk, Elizabeth 13 May 1831 - 14 months Richmond Fair 4129 6540 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kirkman, Hannah 27 July 1831 - 76 years Trowbridge Str 4392 3520 Asthma R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Kitchen, Susannah 10 April 1831 Chrisr & Elizth 17 months Mill Street 3995 6808 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Knight, William 16 May 1831 - 60 years Chisenhall St 4135 3309 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Knight, William 21 June 1831 John & Mary 3 months Bridgewater Str 4264 7595 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Knight, William H 18 May 1831 Jas & Jane 5 weeks Highfield Str 4144 6509 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lacon, William H 9 December 1831 - 18 years Bedford Str 4897 25 Consumpn John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lang, George 29 May 1831 Geo & Jane 3½ years - 4190 7594 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lassa, Victor 27 July 1831 E & V 17 days Webster Str 4393 5978 Bowl Compl R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Latham, Henry 13 January 1831 Henry & Ann 3 weeks Dance Str 3723 5248 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Latham, Sarah 25 August 1831 Wm & Elizth 1 month Chisenhall St 4517 7593 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lattimer, Margaret 17 January 1831 - 8 months Worfield Str 3738 6778 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Laverty, Mary 2 June 1831 - 48 years Workhouse 4201 7780 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lawler, Elizabeth 13 August 1831 - 75 years Ranelagh Str 4454 1594 Decay John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leach, Sarah 3 February 1831 - 44 years Norbury Str 3789 6012 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leaterbarrow, Margt A 23 January 1831 Jno & Mary 6 months Ray Street 3760 5244 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leather, Margaret 30 May 1831 ??? & Eliz 2 days Grosvenor Str 4192 3532 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leather, Mary 3 June 1831 Jos & M Ann 13 months Islington 4205 3533 Hoop Cough James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leckie, James 24 August 1831 - 25 years Greek Street 4508 3733 Inflamn John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lee, Charlotte 10 May 1831 John & Eliza 8 months Richmond Fair 4121 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lee, John 29 July 1831 John & Eliz 9 months Edge Hill 4400 7778 Smallpox James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lee, Margaret 25 December 1831 - 31 years Fontenoy Str 4938 7034 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lee, William 31 July 1831 - 76 years Williams Str 4402 6497 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leeburn, John P 2 September 1831 Jas & Sarah 4 months North Street 4563 6804 Cramp John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leech, William 11 November 1831 - 21 years Norfolk Str 4786 7770 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leeming, Margaret 18 January 1831 - 24 years Burrough's Gardens 3743 5498 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leigh, Anne Jane 9 November 1831 Joshua & Fran 15 months Gerard Str 4777 7593 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Leigh, Joshua Hy 3 September 1831 - 2 years Gerard Street 4565 7593 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lemon, Joseph 30 March 1831 - 51 years Workhouse 3955 6807 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lethwite, Elizabeth 17 June 1831 - 20 years Bolton Street 4260 2319 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, Benjamin 23 December 1831 - 42 years Lawrence Str 4935 7583 Fever John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, Betsy Ann 26 April 1831 - 47 years Milk Street 4065 7592 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, Elizabeth 14 October 1831 Benj & Mary 2 years Chapel Place 4688 5981 Dropsy John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, John Lee 12 February 1831 - 54 years London Road 3822 2623 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, Theodore 3 January 1831 - 16 years Infirmary 3688 7077 Dysentry John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lewis, Thomas 11 November 1831 Richd & Eliz 1 week Collingwood St 4787 7076 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Liddell, Mary A.G 7 July 1831 - 7 months Vine Street 4315 6806 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Linacre, John 25 September 1831 Thos & Sarah 7 months Bittern Str 4640 7774 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lindsey, Jane 20 April 1831 - 57 years Peter Street 4035 7075 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lister, William 10 February 1831 Thos & Elizth 6 years Hanley Street 3815 5246 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Litherland, Henrietta 24 August 1831 Rbt & F 15 months Trowbridge Str 4512 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Liversedge, Alfred 26 April 1831 David & Eliz 19 months Clifford Street 4066 5753 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lloyd, Frances M 24 April 1831 Jno & Ellen 3 years Stalney Street 4055 2623 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lloyd, George B 24 May 1831 Geo & Ann 15 months Whitechapel 4171 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lloyd, Joseph 25 May 1831 - 20 months Bevington Hill 4181 7594 Water In Brn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Locket, Mary 31 July 1831 Thos & Elizth 12 months Waerloo Road 4405 6539 Smallpox James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lockwood, Ann 10 January 1831 - 49 years Vernon Street 3713 1106 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lodge, Elizabeth 7 September 1831 - 44 years Virgil Street 4581 7318 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lord, Sarah 11 January 1831 - 35 years Mile End 3714 5456 Decline H.C Turner (Off Minister) 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lovelady, Edward 1 November 1831 - 76 years Freeman's Row 4758 6532 Cancer No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lowey's, Ann, Still Born Child 11 June 1831 Ann Lowey - Trowbridge Str 4240 2083 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lowry, Alexander 22 May 1831 - 38 years Clifford Street 4165 7594 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lowry, George 7 June 1831 - 33 years Harrington Str 4224 5455 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Luminas, Elizabeth 1 February 1831 Jno & Martha 1 day Devon Str 3781 6278 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lunday, Isabella 8 May 1831 Peter & 4 years Hanover Street 4116 6276 Burnt John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lunt, Elizabeth 4 July 1831 Thos & Cathe 10 months Redmayne Place 4308 6806 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lunt, Luke 24 February 1831 - 42 years Low Hill 3856 6541 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lunt, Margaret 28 April 1831 - 38 years Gt Cross Hall Str 4073 3324 Brn Fever No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lunt, Martha 8 August 1831 John & Mary 2 years Blake Street 4440 7778 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lyburn, John 18 August 1831 John & Mary 20 months Queen Street 4477 7349 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lydiate, John 22 July 1831 - 27 years Blake Street 4372 6537 Ht Compt Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lynn, Elizabeth 8 June 1831 - 31 years Pitt Street 4228 1814 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lyon, Ann 16 February 1831 - 54 years Lace Street 3834 5753 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Lyon, George 2 January 1831 - 36 years Rupert Street 3676 5244 Suffocation John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Macauley, Daniel 15 August 1831 Danl & Mary Ann 3 years Clayton Sqr 4464 3295 Water In Hd John Stewart 352 CEM 2/2/1
Macdonald, Rebecca 11 September 1831 - 21 years Brick Street 4596 2065 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Macdonald, Wilm 27 February 1831 Geo & Margt 9 months Byrom Street 3864 7861 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Macfarlane, Mary 19 October 1831 Wilson & Sar 5 years Church Str 4703 6805 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Macgregor, Sarah 11 October 1831 Jno & Sarah 5 years Harford Str 4682 7774 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Maclean, Archibald 6 December 1831 Jas & Sarah 10 months Highfield Str 4881 7771 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Maddock, Elizabeth 20 October 1831 - 78 years Vernon Street 4707 3304 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Maddox, Ellen 9 January 1831 Thos & Jane 2 years Gilbert Street 3706 5248 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mais, Evena 26 June 1831 John & Evena 16 months Edge Hill 4277 1354 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Makin, Edward 25 October 1831 Wm & Eliz 18 months Eaton Street 4726 7344 Smallpox Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Makin, Sarah 19 April 1831 Miles & Mary 12 months Myrtle Street 4031 6275 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Manchester, Henry 20 January 1831 Henry & Ellen 7 months Rose Place 3750 5244 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Manchester, Richard 25 March 1831 - 8 months Cherry Lane 3940 6808 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Manchester, Timothy 25 January 1831 Tim & Ann 19 months Adlington St 3767 7078 Inflamn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mansfield, Sarah 26 August 1831 - 19 years Tarleton Str 4526 7779 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mansfield, Thomas 8 August 1831 - 21 years Carlton Street 4439 7589 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mark, Thomas 1 May 1831 Thos & Mary 16 months Smithfield Str 4083 7075 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Marsh, Peter 4 December 1831 - 37 years Freeman's Row 4873 7344 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Marshall, Edward 19 October 1831 - 30 years Standish Str 4701 3534 - John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Marshall, William 27 March 1831 Edwd & Elizth 2 months Standish Str 3943 6541 Spinal John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martin, Margaret 21 August 1831 Jno & Margt 21 months Meadow Street 4492 7589 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martin, Margaret 20 November 1831 - 61 years Leeds Street 4825 7544 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martin, Mary Ann 2 November 1831 - 30 years Erskine Street 4750 1098 Decline John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martin, Rebecca 28 November 1831 & Mary A 3 months Erskine Str 4856 1098 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martin, William 31 August 1831 Wm & Ellen 8 months Renshaw Str 4549 3741 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martindale, Mary 13 July 1831 - 29 years Porter Street 4342 7319 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Martlow, William 23 October 1831 - 69 years Mary Ann St 4715 7773 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, Ann 22 April 1831 - 56 years Upper Beau St 4042 3311 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, John 1 April 1831 - 34 years Bond Street 3967 7354 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, Joseph 16 August 1831 - 56 years Ben Johnson St 4469 7781 Drowned John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, Mary 25 August 1831 Wm & Mary 2 weeks Richmond Row 4519 6539 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, Mary, Still Born Child Of 11 August 1831 Mary Mason - Richmond Str 4449 6539 - - 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mason, William 5 August 1831 Wm & Mary 2 years Richmond Street 4424 6539 Cholera No Cer  352 CEM 2/2/1
Matthews, Joseph 19 August 1831 - 23 years Gloucester Str 4481 65 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mauritz, William N 1 January 1831 John & Mary 17 months Gerard Street 3673 7077 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mawson, Hannah 21 December 1831 - 20 years Edge Hill 4928 7067 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Maxwell, Margaret 24 April 1831 Jno & Ann 4 weeks Nash Grove 4048 6540 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McAlister, Margaret 4 March 1831 - 40 years Perry Street 3887 5753 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McAndrew, Sarah 29 May 1831 - 25 years Spitalfields 4189 7591 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCall, John 18 December 1831 Jas & Mary 7 months Harrington 4917 6805 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCowan, Ann 1 November 1831 John & Mary 10 months Spitalfields 4749 7774 Smallpox P. Thomson 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCoy, Alice 13 March 1831 James & Mary 8 months Marlbrough St 3912 6810 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCready, Francis 24 May 1831 - 46 years Lace Street 4175 6539 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCutcheon, Sarah 21 August 1831 - 43 years Edge Hill 4496 6536 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McCutchin, Michael 17 July 1831 - 21 years Edge Hill 4353 5453 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McGuire, Elizabeth 14 December 1831 Jos &  6 months London Road 4907 7320 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McGuire, James 7 September 1831 Jas & Ann 13 months Peter Street 4583 7590 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McKensie, Chrisr 8 May 1831 - 16 months Devon Street 4115 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McKeown, Margaret 17 October 1831 Jno & Mary 2½ years Spitalfields 4700 7774 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McKewley, John 26 June 1831 John & Sarah 7 months Hunter Str 4282 6541 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McNaghlen, Eliza 26 May 1831 - 57 years Bond Street 4182 3525 Spasms John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McNeill, James 21 August 1831 Jos & Jane 6 days Gascoigne Str 4495 7351 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McNesh, William 2 June 1831 - 25 years Vauxhall Rd 4200 7736 Fever Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
McNish, Robert 19 August 1831 David & Mary 17 months Queen Street 4482 7736 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
McNolty, Ann 10 February 1831 - 50 years Rose Place 3816 7317 Paralysis No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
McWhan, Jane 21 April 1831 Thos & 3½ years Cumberland St 4037 3318 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Meadows, Mary 27 March 1831 - 47 years Peter Street 3947 6275 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mealey, Patrick 20 May 1831 - 29 years Infirmary 4158 7594 Rheumat No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Melladew, John 3 June 1831 Jno & Mary 1 year Summer St 4210 1109 Fever R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Melladew, Margaret 3 June 1831 Jno & Jane 1 year Summer St 4208 1109 Fever R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Melladew, Walter 25 January 1831 John & Mar 7 years King Street 3765 1109 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Melling, Richard 20 July 1831 Jas & Mary 5 months Marlborough Str 4364 6866 Smallpox Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Melling, William 25 July 1831 Jas & Mary 4 years Marlborough Str 4384 6806 Smallpox R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mercer, Richard 2 January 1831 Richd & Jane 4 years Hunter Street 3683 5244 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mercer, Robert 13 November 1831 - 52 years Low Hill 4790 1864 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Metcalfe, Thomas 9 February 1831 John &  3 weeks Denison Str 3813 6014 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Middleton, John 18 March 1831 Thos & Chare 3 months Low Hill 3926 1294 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Middleton, Mary 5 March 1831 - 76 years Low Hill 3883 1294 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Milburn, Elizabeth 18 February 1831 - 63 years Sir Thos Buildgs 3840 2860 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Millar, Jane 25 September 1831 James & Sarah 14 months Harrison Str 4638 6801 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mills, Dionysus O 13 September 1831 Geo & Margt 3 months Stewart Str 4600 6804 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mills, Ellen 16 January 1831 - 44 years Quaker's Alley 3729 3085 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mills, John 13 November 1831 Geo & Margary 2 years Stewart Street 4789 3519 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Minter, Charles 10 June 1831 - 57 years Christian Str 4238 3306 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mitchell, Joseph M 27 February 1831 Geo & Julia 8 years Ellenborough St 3863 5498 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Molloy, Daniel 4 July 1831 Philip & Ellen 6 weeks Clayton Str 4304 3529 Bowl Compl Jas Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Monk, John 29 May 1831 - 29 years Chisenhall St 4187 7780 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Monk, Margaret P 4 September 1831 - 16 months Chisenhall St 4571 7783 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Moore, Thomas 27 April 1831 Joseph & ??? 4 days Christian Str 4071 7076 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Moore, William H 27 February 1831 Wm & Mary 12 months Leeds Street 3868 5754 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morgan, Johanna 19 June 1831 - 22 years Green Lane 4262 7074 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morgan, Sarah 8 June 1831 - 49 years Adlington St 4227 7074 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morris, Ann 29 January 1831 Wm & Elizth 9 months Earle Street 3777 7078 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morris, Elizabeth 7 July 1831 - 15 years Gildart's Gardens 4319 6805 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morris, Mary 23 March 1831 John & Mary 2 weeks Upper Milk St 3935 5245 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morris, Richard 1 October 1831 - 88 years Houghton Str 4654 1295 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morris, Winifred 29 April 1831 - 3½ years Peter Street 4080 7592 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Morrison, Elizabeth 27 April 1831 Wm & Elizth 2½ years Brick Street 4072 7592 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Moses, Ann 5 December 1831 - 25 years Blake Str 4877 7346 Fever John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Moses, John 21 September 1831 - 58 years Queen Street 4620 7346 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mosses, Charles 8 August 1831 Alex & Mary 1 month Pleasant St 4437 7343 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mosses, George 21 December 1831 - 86 years Brownlow Hill 4926 3743 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mossman, Mary 8 October 1831 - 41 years Hanover Str 4674 2118 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mountain, Peter 7 December 1831 - 38 years Everton Brow 4886 6537 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mulhern, Ellen 15 September 1831 - 28 years Fontenoy Str 4608 7586 Consumpn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Murphy, William 2 August 1831 Wm & Frs 12 years Albion Str 4413 7778 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Murray, George C 17 April 1831 - 27 years Midghall Str 4016 5456 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Murray, James 24 February 1831 - 61 years Orford Street 3851 5753 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Murray, Marian 12 March 1831 - 28 years Paradise Str 3910 6011 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Musker, Elizabeth 6 April 1831 Jas & Mary 2 years Audley Street 3980 7076 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Mutch, Maria 20 November 1831 John & Mary 7 years Baptist Str 4822 7771 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Myers, Mary 9 February 1831 John & Susanh 4 years Pelew Street 3806 5246 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Myers, Rachel 1 February 1831 Richd & Elizth 21 months Edge Hill 3779 2368 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nail, Ellen 25 September 1831 - 48 years Harrison Str 4637 6801 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Naylor, Henry 17 August 1831 - 54 years Copperas Hill 4473 7734 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Naylor, Joseph 28 October 1831 - 59 years Market Street 4735 7067 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nelson, John 23 August 1831 - 30 years Bk Queen Ann Str 4502 7071 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Newell, Elizabeth 23 August 1831 Richd & Eliz 2 weeks Canning Str 4507 7351 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Newton, James 12 May 1831 - 65 years Matthew Str 4127 5711 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Newton, Joseph T 25 August 1831 Jno & Francs 2½ years Geradrd Str 4520 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Newton, William 25 April 1831 - 76 years Vauxhall Rd 4061 7075 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nicholls, Isabella 16 June 1831 Edw & Ann 3 months Bond Street 4256 7593 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nichols, Charlotte 6 March 1831 Jno & Sarah 9 months Gerard Street 3894 6541 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nicholson, Eleanor 9 July 1831 - 26 years Everton 4323 3284 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nickson, James 8 June 1831 Thos & Betty 12 months Jamaica St 4226 3341 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nicol, Alexander 4 December 1831 Jno & Mary 2 months School Lane 4872 7346 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Nightingale, Mary A 26 July 1831 Jas & Char 2 years Midghall Str 4388 7353 Bowl Compl Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Norcliffe, Charles 14 August 1831 Chas & Mary 12 days Seel Street 4456 6233 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Oar, Sarah 20 December 1831 - 11 years Low Hill 4925 7344 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Oates, Elizabeth 28 December 1831 - 78 years Henry Edw St 4944 5752 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Oldfield, Thomas 6 March 1831 - 51 years Highfield Str 3891 5711 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
O'Neil, Henry 14 August 1831 - 23 years Naylor Street 4460 7349 Fever No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Orr, David 28 August 1831 John & Margt 4 months Mill Str Pk 4529 5869 Dysentry John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Orr, Mary 27 April 1831 Wm & Harriet 5 years Dance Street 4069 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Ellen 25 December 1831 John & Agnes 4 years Craven Street 4939 6533 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Henry 18 May 1831 - 20 years Jervis Street 4145 1802 Drowned John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Jane 25 May 1831 - 16 months Orford Street 4180 7594 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, John 7 May 1831 - 23 years Lancelot's Hey 4111 7352 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, John 21 September 1831 - 29 years Arley Street 4622 7346 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Morris 18 April 1831 Morris & Elizth 14 months Standish Street 4025 6807 Chinkcough David Evans 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Sarah 27 January 1831 Josiah & Mary 7 months Worfield Str 3772 7077 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owen, Thomas 31 July 1831 John & Agnes 21 months St Martin's Str 4404 7351 Inflamn James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Ann 8 December 1831 - 3 months Tanhouse Lane 4893 6805 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Catherine 11 July 1831 - 21 years Fever Ward 4338 7783 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Edward 3 January 1831 - 70 years Benn's Gardens 3686 6544 Decay David Evans 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Elizabeth M 10 January 1831 - 2 years Dutton Street 3712 5248 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Humphrey 30 March 1831 - 15 years Dutton Street 3962 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Letitia 5 March 1831 - 58 years Ben Johnson St 3882 6541 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Margaret 21 February 1831 - 34 years Adlington St 3846 6808 Inflamn Richd Williams 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Mary 8 December 1831 - 11 years Paul Street 4895 6530 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Owens, Sarah 7 August 1831 - 52 years Stewart Street 4433 7589 Rheumat John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Page, Eliza 4 December 1831 - 21 years Bath Street 4871 7346 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Palmer, James 5 June 1831 Jas R & Mary 14 days Bold Street 4214 3305 Inflamn No Cer 352 CEM 2/2/1
Palmer, Thomas 15 February 1831 John & Mary 14 months Dale Street 3830 5498 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parker, Jane 12 April 1831 - 78 years Cook Street 4001 3321 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parkington, Ellen 4 September 1831 Wm & Ann 6 months Board Street 4568 6804 Bowl Compl No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parkinson, Jane 29 September 1831 - 96 years Maguire Str 4650 7585 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parr, Mary 5 June 1831 - 71 years Trueman St 4217 7595 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parry, Hugh 3 June 1831 David & Ann 4 years Standish St 4207 7780 Smallpox R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parry, James 25 February 1831 - 61 years Shaw's Brow 3858 6276 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parry, William 1 August 1831 - 39 years Vernon Street 4410 7782 Decline John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Parsons, George 18 May 1831 - 39 years London Road 4143 3306 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Partington, Jane 17 May 1831 Ralph & Lydia 16 months Bevinton Hill 4140 6231 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Partridge, Joseph 7 April 1831 Edwd & ?? 3 years Regent St 3981 3317 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Paterson, Jane 16 October 1831 - 27 years Hunter Street 4693 3080 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Paterson, Margaret 22 June 1831 - 5 years London Road 4269 7074 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Paul, Mary 18 October 1831 Chas & Ann 2 years Ray Street 4710 7077 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pearson, Maria 15 June 1831 - 29 years Duke's Place 4250 1054 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pearson, Thomas 31 October 1831 John & Ann 8 months Stockdale Str 4747 7067 Inflamn R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pearson, Thomas D 10 May 1831 Jas & Maria 3 weeks Duke's Place 4120 1054 Thrush John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pedley, John 28 December 1831 - 20 years Peter Street 4946 5752 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pegan, Jane 15 March 1831 - 15 years Norfolk Str 3920 1359 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pendleton, Ann 4 November 1831 John & Mary 11 months Fontenoy Str 4766 6798 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pendleton, Mary 23 August 1831 - 40 years Stockdale Str 4504 7071 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Penkiman, Mary A 26 April 1831 Jno & Mary 5 years Cumberland St 4064 7740 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pennant, Samuel 25 October 1831 Jno & Hanh 16 months Clayton Str 4724 7306 Teething Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pennell, Thomas 9 November 1831 Geo & Elizth 6 months Erskine Str 4776 3285 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Penrice, William 27 November 1831 Jos &  12 years Denison Str 4846 5466 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Perch, John Wm 19 July 1831 - 20 years Islington 4357 7318 Epilipsy Edwd Loxdale 352 CEM 2/2/1
Phillips, Eliz 11 May 1831 Alexr & Eliza 11 months Barter Str 4125 6540 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Phillips, Robert 1 February 1831 James & Elizth 9 months Gt Cross Hall Str 3780 6810 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pickering, Ann 25 July 1831 - 60 years Albion Street 4383 7043 Asthma R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Picton, James A 9 September 1831 Jas & Sarah 7 months Birkett Str 4585 3732 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pierce, Eliza 30 October 1831 - 16 years Old Hall Str 4738 2584 Fever James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pierce, Elizabeth 4 November 1831 - 27 years Freeman's Row 4767 6798 Cancer John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pinnington, James 7 August 1831 - 15 years Limekiln Lane 4435 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pinnington, Mary 30 March 1831 - 18 years Limekiln Lane 3956 7353 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pitt, William 27 June 1831 - 47 years Copperas Hill 4285 7319 Liver Compt James Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pittard, Sophia 1 July 1831 Chas & Mary 6 years Grosvenor Terrace 4290 4290 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pleasants, Ann 17 August 1831 - 51 years Barton Lane 4474 3739 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Poole, Thomas 28 September 1831 Richd & 6 months Peter Street 4646 6804 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pope, George 23 October 1831 John & Martha 10 days Richmond Row 4719 7773 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Porter, Alice 30 November 1831 Thos & Sarah 6 months Burlington St 4862 7346 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Porter, Mary 17 April 1831 Jas & Sarah 6 weeks Copperas Hill 4012 3108 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Potter, Charles H 24 August 1831 Wm & Ann 16 months Meadow Street 4509 7589 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Potts, John 3 December 1831 Wm & Elizth 3 weeks Bk Wolf Str 4869 7550 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Powell, Jonathan 1 December 1831 Eben & Mary 11 years Rose Gardens 4864 7582 Fever Richd Williams 352 CEM 2/2/1
Powell, Richard 9 November 1831 - 43 years Vauxhall Rd 4782 7770 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Price, Henry 17 June 1831 David & Jane 5 weeks Edge Hill 4261 7593 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pritchard, Mary 6 October 1831 - 81 years Eldon Street 4671 6800 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pritchard, Robert 17 April 1831 - 8 years Westmoreland St 4017 5456 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pritchard, Thomas 7 June 1831 - 53 years Addison Str 4222 6495 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Prophet, Mary 27 April 1831 John & Elizth 6 months Charters St 4070 7076 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Proudfoot, Margaret 8 December 1831 Edw & 2 months Redcross Str 4891 7771 Convulns John Stewart 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pugh, Ann 24 May 1831 - 60 years Portland Place 4172 7591 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pugh, Hugh 1 September 1831 - 53 years Cross Hall St 4555 5214 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pugh, John Robt 10 November 1831 John & Elizth 3 weeks Baptist Str 4785 7593 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Pumry, Mary 20 September 1831 - 50 years Orange Street 4617 7347 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Quayle, Margaret 21 September 1831 James & Ann 7 weeks Bk Blake Str 4626 5465 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rae, James 21 March 1831 James & Jane 6 years St Andrew's St 3929 6011 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ramsden, Benjamin 28 August 1831 - 47 years Collingwood St 4530 6804 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Randles, Elizabeth 9 February 1831 - 68 years Clare Street 3800 1304 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rawlinson, James 6 March 1831 - 60 years Downe Street 3889 7076 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rawlinson, Priscilla 15 January 1831 - 35 years Copperas Hill 3726 7079 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rawson, Hannah 22 July 1831 Geo & Cathe 13 days Scotland Rd 4369 7735 Bowl Compl Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ray, Ann 10 July 1831 - 40 years Portland Str 4325 3534 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Raymond, Emma 23 August 1831 Henry & Mary 19 months Standish Str 4506 7351 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Read, Ann 7 April 1831 - 43 years Whitechapel 3979 3313 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Reason, Sarah 21 August 1831 John & Mary 11 months Milton Str 4493 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Redrick, Ann 28 February 1831 - 21 years Grosvenor Str 3870 2116 Consumpn Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rennard, Martha 13 July 1831 Danl & Al 7 months Stockdale St 4340 6806 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Renshaw, Catherine 16 June 1831 - 40 years Fairy Street 4255 7074 Decline No Cer 352 CEM 2/2/1
Richards, Joseph 7 July 1831 - 42 years Old Hall Str 4316 7319 Pleurisy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Richards, William Hy 18 August 1831 - 18 years Charles Street 4480 6536 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Richardson, Alexr 10 August 1831 Jas & Elizth 6 months Gladstone Str 4446 7589 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Richardson, James 24 July 1831 Jas & Eliz 2 years Gladstone Str 4379 7351 Bowl Compl Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rideal, William 27 April 1831 - 74 years Erskine Str 4068 3319 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ridyard, Margaret E 22 December 1831 Hanh 2½ years Gerard Street 4932 6798 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Riley, William 15 March 1831 Patrick & M.A 21 months Jarvis Str 3921 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rimmer, John 14 October 1831 Thos & Mary 3 years Bent Street 4691 7785 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Ann 1 March 1831 John & Ellen 15 months Ray Street 3872 5248 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Catherine 8 December 1831 - 40 years Union Street 4894 6536 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Edward 19 May 1831 - 49 years Mary Ann St 4153 7594 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Elizabeth 22 June 1831 Saml & Cathe 17 months Chisenhall St 4275 7355 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Ellen 17 March 1831 - 44 years Bedford Str 3925 3091 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, John 2 June 1831 John & Mary 3 months Bk Lime Street 4203 6539 Decline James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, John 16 July 1831 Robt & Ann 18 months Stephen's Str 4351 3521 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Margaret 1 July 1831 Robt & Mary 6 months Prescot 4293 6539 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Mary 28 August 1831 - 8 years Low Hill 4533 6804 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Mary 1 December 1831 - 77 years Chaucer Str 4866 7582 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Owen 2 January 1831 Wm & Mary 23 months Ray Street 3675 5248 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Richd 8 July 1831 Robt & Hanh 4 years Stephens St 4321 3521 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Robert 23 February 1831 Robt & Jane 11 months Gore Street 3852 5245 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Robert 27 March 1831 - 43 years Worfield Str 3946 6275 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Thomas 5 June 1831 Josh & Mary 10 months Addison Str 4216 7591 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Thomas 24 August 1831 - 51 years Lace Street 4501 7783 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, Thomas 17 November 1831 - 21 years Adlington St 4813 7343 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, William 27 February 1831 - 58 years Gibraltar Row 3862 6541 - John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roberts, William 23 August 1831 - 22 years Russell Street 4505 7319 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robertson, Caterine 30 December 1831 - 25 years Bond Street 4952 7770 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Alfred 9 November 1831 John & Jane 15 days Finch Street 4781 7582 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Ann B 10 May 1831 Thos & Alice 6 years Stanley Str 4123 2066 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Henry 23 March 1831 Heny & Mary 3½ years Marybone 3937 6808 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Peter 22 December 1831 - 60 years Edge Hill 4930 1053 Decay John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Phebe D 25 September 1831 Jno & Johana 13 months Comus Str 4641 6801 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Samuel 19 August 1831 Edw & Cathe 2 months Nash Grove 4483 7349 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, Sarah 20 August 1831 - 21 years Edge Hill 4484 3337 Decline Sam Wood 352 CEM 2/2/1
Robinson, William 10 February 1831 - 84 years Leeds Street 3817 5498 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rockley, Ann 15 February 1831 - 74 years Sea Bron 3829 1858 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rodgers, David 28 October 1831 Richd & Ann 3 weeks Bacon Lane 4734 7344 Convulns James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rome, Elizabeth 21 April 1831 Chrisr & Isa 9 months Gt Newton St 4038 3325 Inflamn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roper, James 6 June 1831 Peter & Martha 7 years Rimmer Seat 4220 2371 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roscoe, Elizabeth 21 August 1831 - 48 years Horatio Str 4487 7743 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ross, Elizabeth 17 January 1831 - 36 years Lord Street 3734 1594 Decline John Kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ross, Martha 28 March 1831 - 42 years Spitalfields 3951 7076 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rothwell, Mary 5 December 1831 - 69 years Burgess Str 4878 7544 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roughley, Thomas 26 June 1831 - 29 years Knight Str 4283 7073 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rowlands, Ellen 15 July 1831 - 53 years Baptist Street 4347 7783 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rowlandson, Hannah 7 December 1831 - 45 years Hood Street 4883 3506 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Roylance, John 26 August 1831 Thos & Eliza 8 months Scotland Road 4525 5987 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rush, Thomas 28 April 1831 Robt & Cathe 4 years Marybone 4074 7592 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Rushforth, Hannah 2 December 1831 - 75 years Canning Street 4865 6798 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Russell, Robert G 3 June 1831 Robt & Mary 4 years Portland St 4209 7780 Hoop Cough R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Russell, William 31 May 1831 - 46 years Limekiln Lane 4197 7780 Decline Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ryan, Ellen 27 November 1831 John & Jane 3 years Clifford Street 4848 6534 Inflamn No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ryan, Margaret 7 April 1831 Thos & Ann 2 years Chapel Lane 3983 7076 Accident No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ryan, Thomas 22 September 1831 - 29 years Crabtree Lane 4629 6802 Accident No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sale, Daniel 29 November 1831 Danl & Ellen 12 months Thomas Str 4859 7343 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Salmon, Marian 24 February 1831 Wm & Marian 2 years Denison Str 3857 3067 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Salmon, Marian 28 July 1831 Wm & Mary 2 months Denison Str 4396 3067 Bowl Compl J.W Baynes 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sampson, John 12 April 1831 Robt & Ellen 8 months Cross Hall St 3996 7309 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Samuel, Ann 3 November 1831 - 47 years Byrom Street 4760 3730 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Saul, Richard 20 April 1831 Wm & Ellen 12 years Percy Street 4036 7353 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sawrey, William R 6 January 1831 - 7 weeks Freeman's Row 3695 5212 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Saxon, Elizabeth 18 January 1831 Thos & Elizth 2¾ years Pleasant St 3742 1855 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Saxon, Elizabeth 29 April 1831 - 27 years Pleasant St 4076 1855 Liver Compt John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scarborough, James 7 December 1831 Jno & Sarh 16 years London Road 4887 5966 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Schofield, Joseph 19 April 1831 Seth & Martha 4 months Sir Thos Buildgs 4029 1290 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, Ann 18 December 1831 James & Ann 10 years Edgar Street 4919 6535 Rupture John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, Jane 4 July 1831 - 70 years Duncan Str 4306 7590 Decay James Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, Janet 24 May 1831 Peter & Janet 15 months Naylor Street 4174 7354 Convulns No Cer S.S 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, Margaret 2 November 1831 Francs & Margt 1 year Clayton Str 4757 7771 Bowl Compl D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, Mary D 7 April 1831 Wm & Agnes 16 months Lawrence St 3986 7076 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Scott, William 20 September 1831 Adam & Sarah 5 years Stewart Street 4618 7347 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Seddon, Charles 3 July 1831 - 6 months Collingwood St 4301 6808 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Seddon, Elizabeth 23 March 1831 - 30 years Bridgewater Str 3934 2867 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sedgewick, John Woods 7 June 1831 - 22 years Kirkdale 4221 4985 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sefton, Edward 22 May 1831 James & Sarah 3 years Peter Street 4163 2107 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sefton, Robert 12 March 1831 - 67 years Peter Street 3908 2107 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sergeant, Mary 9 June 1831 - 64 years Lambert Str 4231 3095 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Serjeant, Mary 22 November 1831 John & Jane 18 months Lambert Str 4828 3095 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sharp, Margaret 19 July 1831 - 24 years Hodson Str 4361 7351 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sharp, Martha 7 August 1831 - 18 years Bridport St 4436 6230 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sharp, Mary 21 January 1831 - 22 years Gt Homer St 3753 7356 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sharpe, John 18 July 1831 Richd & Mary A 9 years Temple Court 4355 3742 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sharples, William 22 July 1831 - 27 years Freeman's Row 4371 6537 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shaw, Albert 5 June 1831 Geo & Eliz 4 months Rupert Street 4218 7591 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shaw, Catherine 6 November 1831 Andw & Cathe 7 months Plumb Str 4769 7582 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shaw, Thomas 22 June 1831 John & Rachel 16 months Eccles Street 4267 7076 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shearson, John 4 October 1831 Thos & Ann 2 years Fontenoy Str 4661 7774 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sheen, Ann 5 August 1831 - 16 years Shaw's Brow 4423 6803 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shenton, Randel 9 February 1831 - 84 years Pall Mall 3810 6276 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shepherd, Samuel Symond 27 November 1831 - 17 years Lumber Street 4855 5454 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sherlock, Esther 13 May 1831 - 23 years Gibraltar Row 4128 3340 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sherrack, Mary 25 May 1831 Thos & Sarah 15 months Cockspur St 4179 7547 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sherratt, Sarah 12 August 1831 - 62 years Cheapside 4450 7349 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shiels, Mary Jane 29 March 1831 - 13 months Riley's Gardens 3953 6808 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shoel, Dorothea 6 November 1831 - 51 years Springfield St 4768 1809 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shoel, Peleg 3 April 1831 - 19 years Sawney Pope St 3972 6540 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shone, Ann 2 June 1831 Thos & Jane 8 years Oakes Street 4202 6539 Inflamn James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shooter, Maria L 8 July 1831 Chas & Maria 11 months Collingwood St 4322 6806 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shorw, Richard 15 December 1831 - 31 years Shaw's Brow 4910 5709 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Shuttleworth, Margaret 3 September 1831 - 15 years Fever Ward 4564 7588 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Simpson, Christopher 16 January 1831 Jno & Ann 9 months Russel Place 3732 5248 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Simpson, Joseph 30 March 1831 - 47 years Stewart Str N 3961 6807 Cramp John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Simpson, William 9 October 1831 - 4 years Myrtle Str 4677 7774 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Skelland, Elizabeth 8 February 1831 - 69 years Midghall Str 3794 1822 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Skelland, Thomas 5 July 1831 Robt & Grace 8 months Midghall Str 4310 1822 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Slanger, Elizabeth 30 May 1831 - 44 years Trueman St 4194 7591 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Slater, Elizabeth 28 October 1831 - 60 years Russell Street 4733 5009 Bowl Compl James Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Slater, Margaret 19 July 1831 Saml & Ann 2 years Canning Str 4360 2579 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sloan, John 29 August 1831 John & Ann 2 years Norbury Str 4537 7592 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sloane, William 5 October 1831 Jno & Rachel 6 months Skelhorn Str 4666 6804 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smeatham, Mary E 22 July 1831 Robt & Eliz 7 years Gloucester Str 4370 7351 Croup Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Alice 30 October 1831 Joshua & Mary 6 months Ray Street 4741 7067 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Ann 6 October 1831 - 34 years Marquis Str 4670 6794 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Edward 8 March 1831 - 18 years Mill Street 3902 6011 Fits John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Elizabeth 20 May 1831 - 53 years Moorfields 4156 5455 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, John 4 November 1831 Wm & Mary 4 months Sparling St 4764 6798 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Margaret 17 April 1831 - 44 years Mill St East 4013 6807 Dis Of Mind John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Maria 8 February 1831 Edw & Susanh 7 years New Scotland Rd 3799 1059 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Mary 25 April 1831 - 35 years Sir Thos Buildgs 4058 3322 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Mary 1 December 1831 Richd & Hanh 3 years Gildart's Gardens 4867 7582 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, Matthew 6 November 1831 - 15 years Edward Street 4771 7582 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Smith, William 21 October 1831 - 19 years Lambert Str 4712 7583 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Snelson, Hannah 23 December 1831 - 79 years Low Hill 4934 64 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Southern, Isabella 24 February 1831 Jno & Mary 2 years Duncan St 3855 6012 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Southern, John 6 March 1831 John & Mary 8 months Duncan St 3892 6809 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Southwell, Ann 15 August 1831 Richd & Ann 2 years Christian Str 4467 7589 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Speciall, Betty 11 June 1831 - 73 years Toxteth Park 4239 28 Pleurisy Thos Raffles 352 CEM 2/2/1
Spencer, Mary 3 April 1831 - 49 years Barter Street 3974 6560 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Spring, Margaret 10 July 1831 - 58 years Marybone 4329 7030 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stafford, Mary 13 November 1831 - 18 years Gt Orford Str 4795 7319 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Standish, Mary 2 January 1831 James & Rachel 4 years Caxton Buildings 3681 5248 Fits John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Steen, Peter 6 May 1831 - 22 years Workhouse 4108 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stephenson, Joseph 27 November 1831 - 47 years Harrington Str 4851 5454 Apoplexy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stevenson, Geo Jas 19 May 1831 Thos & Phoebe 13 months Portland Str 4152 7352 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stewart, Isabella 11 January 1831 Wm & Elizth 2 years Cherry Lane 3717 7077 Teething No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stewart, William 12 July 1831 - 61 years Crosbie 4339 1565 Diabetes John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stewart, William W 27 November 1831 Robt & Jane 2 weeks Lambert Str 4847 7346 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stirup, Alice 25 July 1831 John & Martha 12 months Clement Str 4385 7351 Hoop Cough R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stone, John 18 April 1831 - 17 years Fever Ward 4023 6807 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stout, Rosamond 4 October 1831 Jas & Sarah 6 months Adlington St 4663 7774 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stuart, William 9 April 1831 Wm & Julia 11 months Norton Str 3991 5002 Compt In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stubbs, Ann 22 January 1831 Robt & Sarah 1 month Jervis Street 3757 6810 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Stubbs, Robert 24 January 1831 Alex & Ann 2½ years Leeds Street 3764 5499 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sturdy, Thomas 30 March 1831 - 15 years Brunswick Rd 3963 6275 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sullivan, Elizabeth 1 April 1831 - 30 years Pall Mall 3971 7354 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sutcliffe, Ann 15 August 1831 Jas & Margt 6 months Wavertree 4466 7589 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sutcliffe, James 30 March 1831 - 27 years Finch Str 3960 7353 Insanity John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Sutton, Jane 3 November 1831 - 61 years Mason Str 4759 3515 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Swift, Dorothy 28 February 1831 - 22 years Moss Street 3871 6011 Spasms John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Swift, Mary Ann 30 September 1831 Jas & Mary 2 years Edge Hill 4651 7774 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Swinburn, John 21 January 1831 - 44 years Hood Street 3755 5456 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Swindley, Ann 1 May 1831 - 56 years Grosvenor Terrace 4084 7593 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Swire, Isabella 28 March 1831 - 89 years Brunswick Rd 3950 2370 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tarbet, Peter H.S 18 January 1831 Wm & Rachel 6 months Duke Street 3741 2801 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tattersall, James 22 June 1831 - 22 months Worfield Str 4268 7074 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, Edward 5 September 1831 Thos & Margt 12 days Thurlow Str 4572 1334 Cholera John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, Elizabeth 26 June 1831 - 78 years Marybone 4278 1358 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, George 4 April 1831 Geo & Elizth 4 months Lawrence St 3975 6509 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, John 14 March 1831 Wm & Mary 8 months Bevinton Bh 3918 5753 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, John 7 April 1831 - 50 years Marybone 3984 1358 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, Mary 24 March 1831 - 26 years Park Road 3938 2625 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, Richard 1 July 1831 - 67 years Kirkdale 4291 2372 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, Thomas 14 January 1831 Ward & Alice 3 months Moorfields 3725 5245 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Taylor, William 14 September 1831 - 34 years Collingwood St 4606 7070 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tear, William 19 April 1831 - 55 years Pelew Street 4030 6807 Rup Of Vesl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thackeray, Thomas 5 July 1831 - 77 years Low Hill 4309 3522 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, Ann 25 May 1831 Geo & Susanh 7 years Tithebarn Str 4177 3307 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, Elizah 10 April 1831 - 63 years Finch Street 3992 7353 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, John 19 January 1831 - 45 years Robert Street 3745 5498 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, John 24 July 1831 - 34 years Ryley's Gardens 4377 68047 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, Margaret 7 November 1831 - 30 years Pall Mall 4772 6798 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thomas, Thomas 25 September 1831 - 43 years Chorley Str 4639 7774 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Elizabeth 13 January 1831 - 61 years Gay Street 3724 7079 Rupture John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Margaret 21 September 1831 Josh & Ellen 5 years Circus Street 4627 7347 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Mary 4 June 1831 Jas & Mary 1 year Norman Str 4213 6539 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Mary 21 August 1831 Jno & Mary 3 years Emma Ann St 4488 7589 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Sarah 30 August 1831 - 36 years Ranelagh Str 4541 1340 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, Sarah 27 November 1831 - 30 years Circus Street 4845 5458 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Thompson, William 17 August 1831 - 72 years Cavendish Str 4475 7349 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tillensen, Elizabeth 14 August 1831 - 63 years St Andrew's St 4459 7349 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Timmins, Emma 10 July 1831 Michael & Alice 6 weeks Bk Mansfield St 4326 6808 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tinsley, Adam 20 December 1831 John & Mary 11 years Boscow Str 4924 5204 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Todd, Geo Jas 26 August 1831 Wm & Ann 4 years London Road 4522 7589 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Toft, Rosehannah 24 July 1831 - 41 years Midghall Str 4373 7318 Decline No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tomlinson, Henry 10 March 1831 - 22 months Henry Edwd Street 3907 6496 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tomlinson, James 27 July 1831 Wm & Ann 5 months Bk Diamond St 4390 7778 Decline R Maclean 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tomlinson, Joseph 13 August 1831 Richd & Cathe 12 years Edmund St 4455 1587 Scrofula John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tomlinson, Maria 17 April 1831 Jno & Elizth 6 months Henry Edwd Street 4020 6496 Fits John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Topping, William 26 August 1831 Jno & Mary 5 months Nash Grove 4523 7589 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Townley, Ellen 9 July 1831 - 54 years Collingwood St 4324 7351 Fever No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Townley, John 24 May 1831 - 50 years Silkhouse Lane 4170 6539 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Trap, John 23 May 1831 John & Betsy 6 months Richmond Fair 4169 7354 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Travis, James 8 June 1831 Jno & Susanh 6 months King Street 4229 7594 Convulns No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Trigg, James 19 July 1831 Saml & Ann 7 years Portland Str 4358 7351 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Trubshaw, Frederick V  3 July 1831 Thos & Eln 2 weeks Scotland Road 4297 5754 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Turner, Alice 25 October 1831 - 15 years Marquis Str 4729 7344 Inflamn Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Turner, John 9 August 1831 John & Ellen 5 years New Haymarket  4443 7778 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Turner, Thomas 9 February 1831 - 45 years Porter Street 3803 5498 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Twinain, William 1 October 1831 Wm & Ann 13 months Oakes Street 4655 7774 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Twist, William 25 January 1831 - 32 years Maybone 3766 5722 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Tyerman, Mary 29 September 1831 - 54 years St Ann's Str 4647 3111 Consumpn John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Usher, Frederick 26 April 1831 Richd & Leonora 5 years Houghton Str 4067 1805 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vaughan, Sarah 23 January 1831 - 43 years Peter Street 3759 6012 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vernon, Elizabeth 6 January 1831 - 66 years Pall Mall 3697 7079 Asthma No Cer R.C 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vickers, Martha 1 September 1831 Jno & Rebecca 5 months Eldon Place 4554 7349 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vickers, Mary 20 August 1831 John & 5 months Eldon Place 4485 7349 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vickers, William 26 June 1831 - 36 years Park Lane 4280 7073 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Vilren, John 13 March 1831 - 42 years Plumbe Str 3913 7355 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wade, Elizabeth 2 March 1831 - 53 years Edge Hill 3874 63 Spasms G Highfield 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wagget, John 9 January 1831 - 63 years Pelew Street 3709 5754 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wagget, John 14 April 1831 John & Rose 2½ years Duncan St 4007 5754 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wagget, Margaret 31 March 1831 - 4 years Duncan St 3965 5244 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wainwright, Robert 22 March 1831 - 40 years Whitechapel 3931 1300 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wakefield, John 9 October 1831 - 15 years Lambert Str 4676 7584 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walker, Betty 18 December 1831 - 20 years Edge Hill 4916 6228 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wall, Thomas 2 March 1831 Thos & Ann 11 months Milton Str 3878 6012 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wallace, Ann 21 December 1831 - 2 years Pownall Sqr 4927 6798 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wallace, Catherine 24 April 1831 Jas & Jane 13 years Scotland Road 4050 7354 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wallace, Margaret 22 September 1831 Jas & Eliz 2 months Ford Street 4633 7780 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wallace, William 7 July 1831 - 30 years George's Dock 4318 6805 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walmsley, Mary A 13 February 1831 Geo & Margt 20 months Old Hall Street 3825 2576 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walmsley, Thomas 9 September 1831 Geo & Mary 10 years Old Hall Str 4586 2576 Spasms John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walpole, Thomas Robt 17 June 1831 - 47 years Murray Street 4258 4258 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walton, John 10 July 1831 Saml & Mary 13 years Trueman St 4328 7759 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Walton, Mary Ann 28 December 1831 - 19 months Rose Place 4945 1334 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Warbrick, Alice 31 December 1831 - 27 years Fever Ward 4953 7770 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ward, Daniel 8 August 1831 Danl & Elizth 7 months Johnson Street 4438 7778 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ward, Ellen 26 April 1831 Richd & Dorothy 19 months Cook Street 4063 3321 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ward, Isabella 3 February 1831 Wm & Elizth 12 months Old Haymarket  3788 5757 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ward, Jonah 18 February 1831 - 56 years Harford Street 3839 2115 Decline Jno Bowers 352 CEM 2/2/1
Ward, Thomas 7 January 1831 Thos & Ann 4 years Eldon Place 3698 6236 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wardlow, Elizabeth 28 May 1831 - 68 years Workhouse 4186 2049 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Warwick, Ellen 12 March 1831 - 10 months Pinnington Str 3911 5753 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Warwick, Mary 16 April 1831 Andw & Maria 10 years Pinnington Street 4011 5735 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Watkin, Ann 9 February 1831 John & Susanh 8 months Camden Street 3801 5198 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Watson, Anthony 13 November 1831 - 38 years Gt Cross Hall Str 4794 6534 - John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Watson, Elizabeth 1 April 1831 Wm & Jane 14 months Hunter Street 3966 6808 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Watson, John 18 January 1831 Wm & Margt 13 months Finch Street 3740 5245 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Waugh, Ann 4 September 1831 Rich & Ellen 3 months Regent Street 4570 3101 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Waugh, William 27 November 1831 Wm & Ellen 7 months Eden Street 4854 7343 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weatherbourn, William 10 July 1831 - 17 years Crown Street 4335 7759 Killed John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weatherilt, Edward 26 May 1831 John & Ann 2¾ years Bevington Hill 4185 1079 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weatheritt, Ellen 12 May 1831 John & Ann 4 months Bevington Hill 4126 1079 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weatheritt, Mary 27 March 1831 - 18 years Marybone 3942 1079 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Webster, Edward 20 October 1831 - 51 years Gill Street 4705 5710 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weeden, Richard 24 April 1831 Richd & Jane 2 years Henry Edwd Street 4057 7076 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wellack, Mary 9 February 1831 - 72 years Scotland Road 3805 7356 Decay H.J Turner 352 CEM 2/2/1
Westcott, George 26 June 1831 Jno & Barbara 16 months Cavendish St 4281 6539 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Weston, Mary 30 March 1831 - 53 years Queen Anne Str 3958 3316 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wharton, Ann 15 November 1831 James & Mary 2½ years Eaton Str 4805 7066 Dropsy John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wheelock, Eliza 23 November 1831 - 12 years Gt Newton St 4830 1362 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whertley, Eliza 8 February 1831 Edw & Susanh 7 years Vauxhall Rd 3797 6276 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitaker, William 31 March 1831 Israel & Isaba 2 years Henry Street 3964 6232 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitby, Thomas 20 November 1831 - 34 years Hill Street 4823 2102 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitby, William 4 December 1831 - 47 years Fazakerley Str 4881 3517 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, Elizabeth H 18 May 1831 - 46 years Gascoigne Str 4147 6539 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, Hannah 6 February 1831 - 24 years Pembroke Garns 3790 6012 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, Henry 22 May 1831 Hannah 20 months Pembroke Garns 4161 6012 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, Mary 1 June 1831 - 69 years Cheapside 4199 6808 Asthma James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, William P 4 January 1831 Jos & Mary 7 years Temple Lane 3690 1355 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitehead, William P 9 August 1831 - 30 years Pembroke Garns 4442 7781 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitfield, Thomas 30 August 1831 - 33 years Parr Street 4544 7348 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Whitworth, James 20 November 1831 Jas & Elizth 9 months Richmond Row 4824 7771 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wickstead, Joseph M 23 January 1831 Jos & Elizth 7 months Albion Str 3758 5499 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Widger, Elizabeth 8 March 1831 - 50 years Dennison Str 3901 6011 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wignall, Alice 24 November 1831 - 22 years Cheapside 4837 5758 Childbirth John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilbraham, Elizabeth 21 June 1831 Wm & Mary 5 years Byron Str 4265 7959 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilcock, James 4 January 1831 - 49 years Gerard Str 3693 5754 Asthma John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilcock, Margaret 11 October 1831 - 17 years Addison Str 4684 3740 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wild, Edward 6 September 1831 Richd & Margt 6 months Standish Str 4578 6804 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilkinson, Elizabeth 25 October 1831 Wm & A 10 months Love Lane 4725 7344 Decline Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilkinson, James 23 November 1831 Jas & Mary 2 years Roscoe Street 4834 3518 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willcock, Alice 16 August 1831 Jas & Ellen 11 months Collingwood St 4472 7778 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willcocks, Esther 5 April 1831 Jas & Harriet 5 weeks Duncan St 3977 1052 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willcocks, Harriet 26 March 1831 Jas & Hart 3 weeks Duncan St 3941 1052 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williamas, George 23 November 1831 Thos & Hanh 3 years Peter Street 4832 7778 Croup John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Ann 3 February 1831 - 77 years Chorley Street 3786 5973 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Ann 22 July 1831 - 66 years Old Hall Street 4368 7351 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Ann 2 November 1831 - 50 years Plumb Str 4753 7771 Decline D. McNicoll 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, David  26 January 1831 Robt & Abigail 10 months Sir Thos Buildgs 3769 2866 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, David  6 December 1831 - 47 years Duke Street 4879 3300 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, David  7 December 1831 Wm & Mary 7 years Hackens Hey 4888 7571 Chinkcough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Elizabeth 16 February 1831 Wm & Cathe 4 years Hunter Str 3832 6277 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Elizabeth 8 May 1831 - 75 years Primrose Hill 4114 7593 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Elizabeth 29 June 1831 Robt & Ann 19 months Decon Street 4288 6541 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Elizabeth 21 August 1831 Thos & Jane 6 months Queen Street 4497 7589 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Ellen 16 December 1831 Grifth & Sarah 3½ years Standish Str 4913 7344 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Evan 12 November 1831 Wm & Mary 6 years Hacking Hey 4788 7571 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, George 4 October 1831 - 34 years Pembroke Str 4664 7345 Bowl Compl John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Grace 11 February 1831 - 74 years Slaney Str 3821 2567 Old Age John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Isabella 23 August 1831 David & Ellen 5 months Circus Street 4511 7349 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, John 7 May 1831 Thos & Jane 9 months Bk Bridport St 4112 7592 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, John 6 September 1831 - 54 years London Road 4579 6535 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, John F 13 October 1831 Jno & Martha 9 months Grosvenor Str 4687 6805 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Joseph 20 February 1831 Wm & Margt 8 years Whitechapel 3842 1610 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Margaret 14 November 1831 Robt & Eliz 2 years Greenland St 4800 6805 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Margt J 24 February 1831 Jno & Margt 2¼ years Ray Street 3854 5499 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Mary A 23 January 1831 John & Jane 12 months Hodson Str 3762 5757 Water In Hd John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Robert 10 October 1831 - 79 years Collingwood St 4681 7068 Decay John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Rowland 17 October 1831 - 56 years Westmoreland St 4699 7772 Cholera Daniel Jones 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Sarah 20 January 1831 Richd & Ellen 2¾ years Pall Mall 3751 5248 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Sarah E 17 April 1831 Wm & MArgt 16 months Whitechapel 4018 1610 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Sydney 22 March 1831 - 31 years Dale Street 3932 1801 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, Thomas 25 October 1831 Thos & Jane 2½ years Queen Street 4723 7344 Decline Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, William 9 June 1831 Syms & Eliz 7 months Addison Str 4232 7591 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, William 1 August 1831 Jno & Grace 2 years Regent Street 4409 7778 Inflamn John Breese 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, William 28 August 1831 Richd & Elizth 1 day Naylor Str 4531 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williams, William 30 October 1831 Hugh & Cathe 11 years Northampton St 4744 7067 Decline Jos Tunstall 352 CEM 2/2/1
Williamsk, Jane 9 June 1831 Edw & Mary 12 months Clement Str 4234 1825 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willis, Charles 7 November 1831 John & Mary A 20 months Duckworth Str 4773 6798 Measles John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willis, Mary Ann 8 December 1831 Wm & M.A. 1 week Trueman Str 4896 6536 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willis, Still Born Child Of 18 December 1831 Willis - Wylde Street 4922 7874 - John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Willis, Zacharias 21 March 1831 Wm & Margt 5 months Trueman St 3930 6011 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, Daniel 12 June 1831 - 52 years St Andrew's St 4241 7595 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, Edward 17 February 1831 John & Mary 2 years Stewart Str 3837 6276 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, George 9 February 1831 Richd & Ann 1 month Rotunda Place 3809 6014 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, George 8 March 1831 Geo & Elizth 11 months Stockdale Str 3903 6541 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, John 18 November 1831 Richd & Ann 5 years Collingwood St 4818 7343 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, Mary A 9 February 1831 - 18 years Tarbuck Str 3802 5757 Fits John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wilson, Thomas 20 June 1831 Josh & Elizth 11 years Drinkwater Gardens 4263 7074 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Windsor, William 3 August 1831 - 28 years Workhouse 4415 3312 Smallpox John kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wingett, Susan M 25 September 1831 Wm & Prude 9 months Standish Str 4635 6801 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wirkstead, Elizabeth 2 September 1831 - 20 years Albion Str 4560 7588 Consumpn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wolf, Leonard 20 November 1831 - 27 years Matthew Str 4821 7771 Smallpox John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wood, Elizabeth 6 September 1831 John & Cathe 15 days Orford Street 4580 6804 Convulns John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wood, Henry 16 June 1831 - 68 years Hughes Street 4254 7307 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Woodale, Edward 29 December 1831 - 24 years Bent Street 4949 7770 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Woodburn, Stephen 4 September 1831 Jno & Mary 17 months Vauxhall Rd 4569 6762 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Woodhall, William 18 January 1831 - 59 years Sawney Pope St 3744 5498 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Woosnam, Sarah 16 December 1831 Richd & Ann 10 years Circus Street 4912 7344 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wordley, Eliza 4 July 1831 - 35 years Lord Street 4303 52 Ht Compt Thos Raffles 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wormleighton, Margaret 5 May 1831 - 26 years Edge Hill 4104 3310 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Worrall, Charles 15 November 1831 Geo & Margt 11 months Hill Street 4807 3339 Teething John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Worrall, William 29 March 1831 - 2 years Hill Street 3952 3339 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wotton, Charles 13 March 1831 - 38 years Collingwood St 3915 2369 Accident John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wraith, Jane 18 January 1831 - 67 years Fox Street 3739 2368 - John Kelly 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wrigglesworth, Elizabeth 2 August 1831 Jas & E 11 months Rupert Str 4412 2048 Cholera James Widows 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Ann 20 May 1831 Josiah & Mary 4 years Thomas St 4157 7352 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Elizabeth A 16 January 1831 Wm & Elizth 4 years Marlbrough St 3733 5245 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, John 25 October 1831 - 25 years Dennison Str 4728 5469 Blood Vessl Moses Fisher 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Margaret 26 June 1831 Josh & Eliz 12 months Chisenhall St 4284 6539 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Martha 14 February 1831 - 45 years Percy Street 3828 6541 Paralysis John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Mary 9 November 1831 - 49 years West Derby 4775 3303 Fever John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, Mary E 9 February 1831 Wm & Elizth 2 years Marlbrough St 3811 5246 Hoop Cough John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Wright, William 29 August 1831 Wm & 11 weeks Canning Str 4535 7783 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Yates, Mary 16 June 1831 - 22 years Bond Street 4253 3523 Childbirth Jas Lister 352 CEM 2/2/1
Youds, Henry 23 October 1831 John & Ann 19 months Hunter Str 4718 7773 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Young, Ellen 17 January 1831 - 63 years London Road 3735 5757 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Young, Isabella 2 May 1831 Geo & Mary Ann 2 years Circus Street 4088 6807 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Young, Maria 10 December 1831 - 35 years Johnson Str 4900 6536 Decline John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Young, Sarah C 29 December 1831 - 2 years Devon Street 4948 5456 Inflamn John Bruce 352 CEM 2/2/1
Total Number Of Burials 1279